Updated Thoughts on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: The Great Web

Earlier this month, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 released it’s very first update on the game. This was an update to add features to the game that players have been asking from Insomniac since its initial release and also elements that the company perhaps couldn’t add in time to meet its deadline. These include new game plus mode, the ability to replay missions, day and night cycles, new suits to unlock, tendril color changes, photo mode action figure mode and new stickers, suit tech fusion, golden gadget styles, and ultimate levels. And if the new debug of this update that some players have discovered is any indication, there could be a change we could see actual upcoming story DLC in the near future! While there will plenty that will argue that these are all things that should have been in the game when it came out last October, at least Insomniac was able to make time to listen to the feedback and add in those elements to the game, in spite of all the recent events that has surrounded them.

I reviewed Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 around the time the game came out and I gave it a very glowing review! I claimed it was a triumph and basically Insomniac’s Magnum Opus, just a perfect culmination of everything we love about the Spider-Man games and movies up to this point. My score for it was a perfect five out of five stars. It was for me the best Spider-Man game, the best Marvel game, and my #2 favorite superhero game of all time, with my #1 still being Batman: Arkham City! However, when letting my thoughts sit for a while and keeping my distance away from it since it first beating, could there be a chance that I just let the hype get to me? Does this game really hold up? Well, let’s see!

I will say right off the bat that I still love the hell out of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and still think it’s a fantastic game! The gameplay is incredibly layered and immensely fun, with the combat in particular being even more polished and improved over it’s predecessors. The overall core story is still among my favorite Spider-Man stories in recent memory, with my favorite version of Kraven the Hunter and Harry Osborn in any Spider-Man medium to date. I love exploring the bigger and more open world of NYC, aided greatly by the quicker transversal and the excellent new addition of the web wings. The side missions have more variety than the previous game that don’t feel like as much busy work as it did in the first game. The graphics are very stunning and help showcased the power of the PlayStation 5. The voice acting is top notch from top to bottom of the main cast! And not to mention, YOU GET TO PLAY AS VENOM FOR 20 MINUTES AND IT’S AWESOME!

However, when playing this game again through New Game Plus mode, I did notice a few cracks in the armor for my experience that I glossed over in my review. First off, are the missions that mostly relies on walking around with the other characters during an exposition scene or a flashback sequence. While I didn’t necessarily hate doing them, the way they are implemented in terms of gameplay makes the pacing of the game come to a screening halt. It’s odd to have a game as action-heavy and fast-paced as Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and then you throw these parts of the game in and it feels like the game stops completely just for the sake of having these sequences play out. It’s honestly makes me wish that those scenes were just animated cutscenes instead of part of the gameplay. Considering how much of a fast clip Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 moves at, it can be seen as a needed break where you can put your controller down and relax for a moment before getting back into action.

Even if the MJ stealth missions are a big improvement over the first game and I even admit to being that one guy who actually likes the puzzle sections of these games (The music is just so chilling during those!), I do think it’s for the best for Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 for Insomniac to just focus on the Spider-Men (and Spider-Woman) heroes themselves for the gameplay. Just put the core focus on Peter, Miles, and (supposedly) Cindy Moon as their individual spider-people and just make those kind of scenes I just mention for strictly the cutscenes and not gameplay. There’s a reason why the Batman: Arkham series rarely had you playing as anything other than Batman and allies in their superhero forms. That’s just what people play these games for!

Another grip has to do with the final phase of the final boss fight with Venom. It’s still jarring how you go from one phase where you face Venom as Peter and then the next one where you face Venom as Miles but then don’t have a phase where you take on Venom as Peter and Miles together, similar to their opening fight against Sandman. All it amounts to is a long cutscene with occasional button mashing and QTEs thrown into the mix. Not to say the sequence itself is bad but it felt like the final fight was missing that one-two final gut punch where you truly feel like the two Spider-Men together.

There has been some speculations that Insomniac was rushed by Sony to get the game out last year when they might have want to push it back to earlier this year. There was even an interview from the game’s creative director, Bryan Intihar, where he admitted that the team of the game had very limited time on the latter half of the game and were forced to cut ideas and sequences they envisioned out of the game to make sure it was released on time for it’s October 2023. This theory was approved even further when someone recently uploaded an unreleased feature of the game on Twitter that saw the Spider-Men fighting Venom and his allies in broad daylight, something which was not in the final game but was a part of the marketing for the game.

It likely will never happening but if it’s possible, I would love if Insomniac would one day release a director’s cut version of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. A version of the game that perhaps saw all of their ideas for that last third of the game with Venom take place along with possibly other features to the game. Perhaps then this game could surpass Batman: Arkham City as being my favorite superhero game of all time instead of just a comfortable #2 place for me.

A couple of other minor grips include a parry feature that didn’t really need to exist, the new ultimate level mode that you have to grind the HELL out of to get all the unlockable spider-suits with, and the new added suits that really do nothing for me. Also, I am ENTIRELY grateful, that I get to switch suits in the final boss with Venom so I don’t have to play in that godawful hoodie with Miles. Please, Insomniac, do NOT stick to that suit in Marvel’s Spider-Man 3! If you do, I am IMMEDIATELY changing suits the first chance I get.

You might think I’ve turned on this game all of a sudden but I’m really not. I love Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to death and is the most fun I’ve have playing a video game for a long time. It’s just those cracks in the armor that I felt was worth acknowledging that I didn’t in my originally review because I might have been too blinded by the hype. This still acts as my favorite Spider-Man game to date and still possibly my favorite game of 2023, although I still have a few games left to play before making that overdue list. When you find yourself constantly thinking about the game during work and the first thing you want to do is go home as fast as you can and continue playing it, that’s the sign of a really good game.

I don’t know if the new update for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will change the opinion of those that didn’t initially care for it but I do think it will fix those grievances that some fans have with the game when it came out. Even then, this game is still a blast to play for me and I hope there is more to come with this game, especially if the potentially leaked DLC ends up still being a thing. Even so, thank you Insomniac Games for providing another great Spider-Man game. I can’t wait to see what you guys do in the future and I hope you are recovering greatly from recent hacking events.

I guess I would change my initial five out of five star rating to four and a half out of five star rating now if you were to ask me but I still love Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 all the same.

And btw, I guess I should mention the leaked trailers for that cancelled live-service game, Spider-Man: The Great Web, that got released last week. For a while, a new live-service Spider-Verse game was in the works by Insomniac. It would have seen players from all around the world getting the chance to play as their favorite Spider-Man or Spider-Woman together as they face off against Spider-Man’s greatest foes. Of course, you would have Peter and Miles in the game but also other known characters from Spidey’s rose gallery such as Spider-Man 2099, Venom, Spider-Gwen, and Silk. There had been rumors and speculations of the Spider-Verse playing a role in either it’s own game or potential DLC for Spider-Man 2. Spider-Man: The Great Web looked to confirmed those rumors and speculations as legit but it is now cancelled.

One one hand, it would be so dope to get to play as your favorite kind of spider-person with anyone else around the world in what would be the Spider-Man equivalent of Grand Theft Auto online. It would also appease those that have wanted to play as any other Spider-Man character that they likely would have never gotten the chance to do so in the main Insomniac games. Plus, getting to play as any kind of version of the most popular superhero of all time would no doubt make good money for Sony. It’s easy to see why on the surface fans would be upset this never got made but at the same time, Insomniac has more than enough reasons not to follow through.

First, with so much time and money spend on a live-service game like Spider-Man: The Great Web, that would have undoubtedly took time away from other upcoming titles such as Spider-Man 3, Wolverine, and that new Venom game (if it’s still happening after the leaks). With how much of the budget when into Spider-Man 2, I don’t think Insomniac would want to take their chance on a live-service game that would likely lose it’s appeal the first few months after its release. The Great Web might be an interesting game in concept but I doubt that would be good enough to warrant 2-4 years of focus put into it, especially in the light of recent live-service game failures in the superhero subgenre.

Speaking of which, have we all learned nothing from Marvel’s Avengers, Gotham Knights, and Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, the latter of which has seen a significant drop of sales and players since it’s release? Have we all learned by now that live-service games and superheroes are just not a good mix for each other? Live-service games have become a plague within the gaming industry. If not immensely successful, it will lead to nothing but layoffs and disappointment. Sure, you can argue a reason or two for Spider-Man: The Great Web working where the other three games I mentioned fell flat but it’s not worth taking the risk in my eyes, and I think even Insomniac would agree with that.

But yeah, that’s all I got on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and the recent confirmed leaks on the cancelled Spider-Man: The Great Web. I hope you enjoyed reading them and let’s all hope for nothing but the best of our favorite friendly neighborhood hero!

It’s Time For Sony To Give Spider-Man Back To Marvel

This Valentine’s Day saw the release of Madame Web, the newest comic book movie which despite being based off of a Marvel Comic character, was developed STRICTLY by Sony (I bring that up because there are surprisingly a large amount of people in the world that don’t realized this was NOT a movie made by Marvel Studios themselves). And just like with Sony’s previous attempt at doing a villain origin story that no one asked for in Morbius, Madame Web has been an absolute critical and (likely) commercial disaster. It’s immediately been regarded as one of the worst comic book movies ever made and will definitely being topping PLENTY of worst movies of the year list come December. And unlike that other trainwreck of a villain origin story that came out two years ago that I just mentioned, I don’t think the memes are going to be enough to save Madame Web‘s reputation, even if I did somewhat try to do so in my spoof review of it.

As if Madame Web is not enough of a lackluster superhero flick to come out this year from Sony, we also have Kraven the Hunter and Venom 3 slated to release later on this year. And if the track record of the last few villain led movies from Sony is anything to go by, I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn out just as bad if not worse. And with the recent funk that most comic book movies are in now, the last thing the sub-genre needs is not one, not two, but THREE terrible comic book movies to come out in the exact same year with the Marvel logo. And as I said at the beginning of the review, even though Marvel Studios are NOT the ones that are making these movies, there is actually a good portion of the population that believe otherwise and could potentially affect upcoming MCU installments such as Deadpool & Wolverine coming out in July.

Of course, the big question everyone is asking is why does Sony continue to make these movies that not only nobody is demanding for but I don’t think even they themselves want to make? Well, it’s basically a similar situation to what led to The Amazing Spider-Man duology being created, to keep the full film rights away from Marvel. Which wouldn’t necessarily be such a bad thing if that sense of obligation wasn’t felt when watching these movies but even if you have the biggest rose-colored glasses on, it’s near impossible to separate the studio politics when sitting through disasters such as The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Venom, Morbius, and Madame Web.

All of this and more is why I strongly believe that it’s time for Sony to return all film rights back to Marvel Studios. Not just the television rights they were forced to fork over when Disney bought Marvel but also the film rights and possibly any other rights to the character of Spider-Man. This isn’t strictly because of recent events with Madame Web but because of the poor treatment that the company has given the character for the past 15 plus years. If you don’t believe me, let’s take a trip down memory lane and go into why certain Spider-Man-related properties have suffered in quality because of Sony.

The first thing I’m sure plenty will point to has to why Sony should still be the father of Spider-Man is the success of the trilogy with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire. The superhero trilogy that was arguably the most successful series of superhero movies until the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy came along. Yes, Spider-Man (2002) is notable for starting the 21st century dominance of superhero movies. Yes, Spider-Man 2 is still considered to be one of the greatest superhero movies ever made! However, what about Spider-Man 3, which in the day before memes, was considered to be one of the biggest letdowns in not just superhero movie history but possibly film history in general. Well, that’s where Sony comes in.

The main reason that Spider-Man 3 turned out to be the mess that it did was due to Sony forcing Sam Raimi to include Venom and other notable characters such as Gwen and Captain Stacy strictly because they were fan favorites throughout the webhead’s history. Raimi initially wanted to tackle the Vulture with Sandman and Harry as the new Goblin along with them but because the demands from the higher ups at Sony, most notably infamous producer Avi Arad, those plans were abandoned and he had to give up Vulture for Venom. Never mind the fact that Venom is basically a two-movie arc at best and the Stacys were never even hinted at existence in the previous movies of the Raimiverse. They were here because it’s what the fans want according to Sony. Instead of being patient and saving those potential storylines for a future sequel, Spider-Man 3 tried to please everyone and their mother at the same time with introducing so many different characters and plotlines that it was just a mess. Sure, some might enjoy that movie more than others (such as yours truly), but I think most people will agree that the movie would have been much better if one side just let one side do the movie they wanted instead of just trying to appease both sides at the same time.

Despite the negative reviews for Spider-Man 3, the strong box office numbers did encourage plans for a fourth installment. Sam Raimi was set to return as director along with Tobey Maguire and Kristen Dunst in their lead roles as Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson respectively. Raimi had stated many times he was not happy with the end results of Spider-Man 3 and wanted Spider-Man 4 to be the needed return to form and the very best one yet. Spider-Man 4 was planned to include Vulture, the villain initially wanted for Spider-Man 3, along with Black Cat. However, he went through many different scripts and revisions and disliked every single one of them. Then came January 2010, which the film was set to begin filming soon to make for a planned May 2011 release date. However, Raimi was still not satisfied with the script and asked Sony for more time on it. Sony refused and because of that, Raimi stepped down from the project and Spider-Man 4 was officially cancelled. Despite the fact that Sony could have afford to give Raimi one more year because they needed a Spider-Man film out by 2012 to keep the rights to the character and NOT by 2011, they let him go and decided it was time for a full reboot.

Strike one!

The 2012 reboot turned out to be The Amazing Spider-Man, directed by Marc Webb and starred Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy. It was approached by Sony as a darker, lower-scaled reboot compared to the Sam Raimi trilogy, containing a larger focus on the teen drama/high-school dynamic aspects of the character. Despite getting solid reviews at the time of it’s release and was able to make 758 million dollars worldwide, it was not the notable success that Sony had wanted, most likely due to the film’s budget of 200 to 230 million dollars. Many believed that was largely due to having a good chunk of scenes that were notably cut out of the feature film, which includes about over half an hour of deleted scenes.

When it came to figuring out where to go next with the series after the first film, The Avengers had come out and it was a global smash worldwide, making it one of the most financially successful films of all time. Because of that, Sony decided that it would be best for them to try to create a cinematic universe of their own within the universe of The Amazing Spider-Man series. Of course, an Amazing Spider-Man 2 and 3 were greenlight but also were a 4th film, a Sinister Six spin-off, a Venom movie, a Black Cat and Silver Sable movie, and even an Aunt May movie (No, I’m not joking!). With such high plans being put in motion, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had to be a success both commercially and financially.

Two years later, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 came out and it could have not gotten worse for Sony if they tried. Not only was it received with much worse reviews than the first one but it also made even less money than the first film, making barely above 700 million dollars worldwide. While making 700 million dollars should been seen as a success, it was not in the eyes of Sony, most notably because they promised their investors that the film would make at least a billion dollars.

If you look at what went wrong from behind the scenes, it’s easy to see why The Amazing Spider-Man 2 turned out the way they did. It was a movie that drew everything but the kitchen sink at it with so many different characters, subplots, and set ups for future films. There was even several deleted scenes that hinted at even more characters and subplots such as Mary Jane Watson played by Shailene Woodley, Felicia Hardy as Black Cat, Norman Osborn alive as a frozen head, and even Peter meeting his not-actually-dead father in person. It was a directional mess where no one in involved either had any idea with what they were doing or just didn’t care in general.

Because of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 underperforming, Sony didn’t know what to do next. It’s then that they were approached by Marvel Studios who wanted to include Spider-Man in one of their upcoming films, Captain America: Civil War. When giving the offer, Sony decided to give up on trying to make their own cinematic universe of Spidey and formed a partnership with Marvel Studios, which would once again reboot the character with a different actor that would be Tom Holland. If you are keeping track at home, that is now TWO different iterations of Spider-Man that Sony wrecked due to their own incompetence and constant interference of the productions of these films.

Strike two!

While everyone has their own opinion of the MCU version of Spider-Man, I think most folks would agree that teaming up with Marvel and giving up on their Amazing Spider-Man universe was the right call for Sony. This led to Spider-Man being feature in three different films of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, the latter of which is one of the highest grossing films ever, along with notable appearances in the team-up Avengers movies such as Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. However, that didn’t necessarily stop Sony from trying to make Spider-Man related movies of their own.

Believe it or not, Sony actually committed to making at least one of the spin-off movies they were planning with The Amazing Spider-Man universe, which would turn out to be Venom released in 2018. And believe it or not, despite the bad reviews, it was a massive hit for mainstream audiences, grossing over 850 million dollars worldwide. It was the success of that film that motivated for Sony to do another try at their own cinematic universe but this time putting the spotlight on villains from Spider-Man’s rose gallery.

We got Venom: Let There Be Carnage in 2021 which was a decent hit at around 506 million dollars worldwide but definitely not as much as the first one made, then came Morbius which despite it being the most meme-worthy movie ever, got awful reviews and was a big bomb at the box office (even after it got re-released in theaters again due to the memes), and now there’s Madame Web which is set to do just as bad if not worse than Morbius, both critically and commercially. Now, that makes for three different iterations of Spider-Man related properties that Sony either screw up big time or drove it into the ground.

Strike three and you are out!

It’s also worth mentioning about the brief fallout between Sony and Marvel that happened right after Far From Home came out, which almost made No Way Home not happen in it’s current form. It was believed it was largely to do with Sony and Disney having differences on the amount of profit for upcoming Spider-Man films set within the MCU. It’s also believed that Sony was about to take back the character of Spider-Man himself until Tom Holland called up Bob Iger while drunk, pleading for him and Marvel to work out a deal with Sony to keep Spider-Man in the MCU. It’s unknown whether it’s Sony or Marvel that’s the true bad guy here, the fact that Sony almost lost ANOTHER version of Spider-Man would not have been a good sign on their part.

When you really get back onto to the major problems with Spider-Man medium since 2007, all of that can be traced back to Sony. From forcing Sam Raimi to include characters he didn’t want to in Spider-Man 3, to micromanaging the hell out of The Amazing Spider-Man movies with no real road map or goal in mind, to constantly making these pointless villain origin stories in the hopes it would connect to some version of Spider-Man later on down the road, Sony has had a real problem with the web head for quite a period of time. Sure, we have had Spider-Man (2002), Spider-Man 2 (2004), Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, and the Marvel’s Spider-Man video game series but all of those were clearly done in SPITE of Sony and not because of them.

And even if you want to include those mediums I just mentioned, I could also talk about how Sony basically rushed Insomniac to get Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 out by 2023 when they wanted to push it back to this year to add more polish and features to the game, which likely cost the GOTY awards for that game. Or about how Phil Lord and Chris Miller had to constantly rewrite the script for Across the Spider-Verse due to Sony’s constant interference on the production. Or how they are now butting heads with Marvel Studios for Spider-Man 4 because they would rather chase the success train of No Way Home by doing another multiverse movie instead of taking things down to the street-fighting levels that most fans want and build to another one later on down the road. If anything, the fact that any of those things turned out to be any good at all is simply a miracle.

And with the release of Madame Web that is set to crash and bomb at the box office, I think it’s time more than ever for Sony to give up all of their rights to Spider-Man and return them to Marvel. Aside from Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 game, and MCU’s Spider-Man 4, there is nothing they have coming up that looks even remotely promising under their control, just with the partnership with other studios. Kraven the Hunter looks like another generic by-the-numbers villain origin film, Venom 3 will likely inherit the same problems of it’s predecessors and rely strictly on Tom Hardy’s star power to save the day, and who knows if those reported Miles Morales film, Spider-Women Spider-Verse film, and that Silk series will ever see the light of day. These all could be promising projects but I trust Sony to handle them well about as far as I can throw them.

Say what you will about the current state of the Marvel Cinematic Universe but you can’t seriously tell me that they would do any worse with the full Spider-Man property than what Sony is doing right now with their villain-led cinematic universe. There’s no sign of passion or love from any off these movies coming from the cast and crew, only obligation and corporation. Just look at the press tour of Madame Web and how it’s cast and crew is openly throwing shade at the movie which they are a part off. I think even they know they made a mistake signing up because of Sony likely promising them something they never really meant.

Have there been great content under Sony’s license of Spider-Man? Absolutely! But with the current situation going on between them, Marvel, and the state of superhero movies in general, they can no longer be trusted with handling Spider-Man. They have have countless time to prove they can do Spider-Man related stories without Marvel or anyone else but they have failed spectacularly. The fact that they didn’t greenlight an Amazing Spider-Man 3 with Andrew Garfield and/or a Spider-Man 4 with Tobey Maguire after No Way Home but instead greenlighted Madame Webb and Kraven the Hunter is really all you need to know about the way they run things over there. Even they don’t know what they want for Spider-Man anymore.

Because of all that I’ve just mentioned and more, I think I speak for a large majority of Spider-Man fans out there by saying that it’s time for Spider-Man to come fully home to Marvel at long last.