Why Not Taking Risks Will Kill The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Recently, an infamous source within the entertainment industry named DanielRPK confirmed what he has heard from the inside regarding the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. To answer to the underwhelming MCU box office slate of 2023 (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 aside), Bob Iger is looking to not taking as much risks with Marvel as before and is only looking to greenlighting movies that are a guarantee profit based off the names of the characters alone. That means that rumored sequels such as Eternals 2 and Captain Marvel 3 are no longer in development due to how disappointing they were at the box office. Instead, only guarantee recent successes, most likely films such as Shang-Chi 2 and Doctor Strange 3, will be given the most focus on in the future. This statement has led to many different opinions online and I might as well throw my two cents in there.

First off, we can’t even pretend to know what is going on from behind the scenes at Marvel Studios. Just because one entertainment source says something is happening does not actually mean it is indeed happening. The only way to know what is going on for ourselves is if we actually work at Marvel Studios, which I’m willing to bet that 99.99% of folks that are reading this piece are NOT. Or of course, if someone who works at Marvel explains the process of how a certain movie or show got made in an interview. Which again, I’m willing to bet that will NOT happen after uploading this piece. That being said, if these statements are accurate, that leaves me with nothing but dread for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If Iger’s response to the critical and financial disappointment to the MCU slate of 2023 along with a handful of content from 2021 and onwards is to take less risks, then he clearly forgot why the MCU became special in the first place. Marvel Studios didn’t become what it was due to cranking out content left and right from characters the mainstream audiences were already familiar with, they became what they were because they were FORCED to make content based off of characters that only hardcore comic book fans were familiar with. Because they didn’t have the rights to already proven mainstream hit superhero IPs such as Spider-Man and X-Men, that made them make films and shows based off of non-tested properties such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, and of course leading it all to The Avengers.

When looking back on it, Marvel Studios NOT having the rights to Spider-Man and X-Men from the beginning is the best possible thing that could have happened to them. Because they were forced to sell off those properties in the past to avoid going bankrupt, that meant they had to make films constructed around characters that never had a feature length film before. Yes, they had The Incredible Hulk who already had his own film and they would eventually partner with Sony to deliver Spider-Man movies as part of that universe but for the most part, the characters that made the MCU what it has since 2008 was NOT because it revolved around characters folks were familiar with, they revolved around characters which folks were NOT familiar with. And even today, the MCU is only better off for it.

Here is one counter argument I could see in regards to Iger’s direction for Marvel being more based around familiar characters instead of not so familiar ones. When a franchise is in a slump, it is wise to have a safety net of some sort. What I mean by that is it is best to have projects in the work that will have folks at least curious about and be good enough financial wise to at least to break even. In hindsight, it’s understandable to have another Doctor Strange, Thor, and Black Panther movie in the works because their prior movies were all considered to be profitable for Disney and Marvel. However, you need some fresh blood thrown in there, characters which audiences are not familiar with or at least haven’t been for quite some time. If you don’t, then not only does it expose the fact that you no longer have any tricks underneath your sleeve but that you also don’t trust your audience with something new. And that’s what hurts most of all, not having faith in your audience.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe would not be where it is today if they did not take risks. If they didn’t take a shot introducing characters that were not well known to mainstream audiences, they would never be as big or expansive as they are now. Rebooting Spider-Man and X-Men ten different times would not have gotten to where they are today. Otherwise, they would have likely been hitting brick wall after brick wall as DC and Warner Bros have constantly throughout the 21st century, constantly relying on Batman to get them out of certain slumps. If Iger and company thinks that mentality will get them out of their funk they are in, then he is delusional.

The bigger question here is that what if relying on familiar names does NOT work out in the long run with its current slate of movies. What if Deadpool & Wolverine does NOT become the billion dollar summer blockbuster juggernaut folks are claiming it would be? What if current events and production problems bring Captain America: Brave New World down at the box office? What if Blade and Fantastic Four aren’t the “familiar but not so familiar” brand hits that Disney and Marvel are hoping they will be? Most importantly, what if bringing back Hugh Jackman and Tobey Maguire for Avengers 5: and Secret Wars isn’t enough to make that even as close to profitable as the other four Avengers movies? If any of those unfortunate scenarios happens, that could be a sign that not only did refusing to take risks didn’t help your brand, it might have straight up KILLED it.

When thinking about it for the past few days, I can understand perfectly why Bob Iger wants to play it safe for the time being. It’s best to get audiences who stopped caring about Marvel superheroes back in the theaters with the remaining familiar characters they already know and like before taking other major leaps forward. However, I can only hope that’s not the ONLY strategy they have going forward. I do hope though that if the upcoming movies I just mentioned are profitable enough that it will inspire them to continue taking risks and introduce fresh new faces to the MCU roster. It’s only if they do that and do it successfully will the MCU continue to grow and expand, even 16 years later.

I’ve said in the past that as I get older, I’ve grown more welcome to having films take chances even if they don’t completely work out rather than constantly having films that play it safe all the way through with no risks being taken. And with the way PLENTY of big movies performed at the box office last year, I don’t think I’m alone there. The audiences WANT fresh and new takes on familiar material, not stale retreads that are scared of offending their audience. That’s why a film like Dune: Part Two has received massive praise and will have success at the box office while a film like Kung Panda 4 has underperformed critically and potentially at the box office. Audiences are NOT stupid and will accept new things done to things they love if it’s done well.

I can only hope these statements from Iger about the direction of Marvel are ONLY for the time being and NOT something they plan to thrive on for foreseeable future of superhero content. If that is the case, then it’s clear that Iger has forgotten completely why the MCU has been successful over the years and just thinks this plan will guarantee him easy, quick money. Well, *in Ron Howard’s voice*, it will not. And I sure hope he realizes that because if not, he would have killed the entire thing that he helped create.

It’s in your hands now, the merc with the mouth!