Ranking The Quiet Place Franchise

A new entry for A Quiet Place has just released in theaters with A Quiet Place: Day One. Because of that, it’s time to see how that entry stacks up with the previous two entries in this unique horror franchise.

It does feel odd how this series in particular has turned into a franchise of it’s own kind. Because when looking at it’s own premise, it doesn’t seem like it’s one that has potential to expand into it’s own franchise. Sure, maybe a sequel or two would be fine but more than that, it’s quite stretching thin. Even so, we’ve gotten three films thus far with a fourth one on the way for next year along with a new video game that looks like it could be A Quiet Place‘s version of Alien: Isolation. I don’t know how long they plan to ride this train out but if they can keep crafting installments that are as well made, acted, and engaging as they are, then I’m sure it will be able to get away from it.

Nevertheless, it’s time to rank all three A Quiet Place films thus far from worst to best. This will undoubtedly be my shortest list to date because of only three films to talk about but let’s rank them anyway because why not.

3.) A Quiet Place: Day One

The weakest A Quiet Place to date is unfortunately the newest one that just came out, even if it’s still pretty darn good in it’s own right. Three films in and this is when we are starting to get the feeling of fatigue of seeing the same monsters slaughtering everything it can in sight and only the ones that remain the most quiet will serve. There is also a much more character driven and human story at center than it’s predecessors while certainly compelling, feels like it could have done without the Quiet Place gimmick slapped onto it. Also, those that are looking for answers about how the monsters go to earth will be very disappointed.

Even so, the scares and thrills of the previous films still work here and Lupita Nyong’o and Joseph Quinn are both super compelling on-screen, with both of their characters undergoing satisfying arcs throughout. And as most people have been saying, the cat steals the show in every scene that it’s in. If you look at it as it’s own thing, it’s an intense and enjoyable sci-fi horror flick but as yet another installment in this franchise, A Quiet Place: Day One is a showcase that this series is beginning to run on fumes and should be given a proper wrap-up soon before it wears out it’s welcome completely.

2.) A Quiet Place

The original A Quiet Place has to be one of the most unique and surprising horror films in recent memory. It’s able to use it’s premise of sound-heavy monsters who roam the world as a mean to craft a story of the means of surviving when the human race is on the verge of extinction and what lengths can a parent goes through to protect their children. John Krasinski proves himself to be a tour de for even more behind the camera as he is in front of the camera, alongside the amazing Emily Blunt, A.K.A. his wife, and young stars Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe.

Sure, there are moments where you do have to suspense your disbelief on the family being able to survive for as long as it has and certain choices they make during certain moments but when a movie is this well made, acted, and directed, it’s easy to overlook these flaws. The fact it’s able to tell a genuine and heartfelt tale despite having very minimum dialogue and relying on it’s visuals and hand language is the real master stroke here. Aided by Oscar-calibar editing, a mesmerizing score, and a haunting and captivating atmosphere, A Quiet Place is a horror film for the ages and is one that is most certainly worth a look for any fan of the genere.

1.) A Quiet Place: Part II

The best film in the franchise to date is A Quiet Place: Part II. This is a horror sequel that manages to be just as good, if not better, than it’s predecessor and is one of the better horror sequels in recent memory. It shows that there is still more to explore within this world with just as much suspense, insanity, and brutal kills as the original! This one sees the family split up as they get out of their comfort zone to discover who else is left on the other side of the word and whether or not they can bring an end to this universe ruled by blind alien monsters!

A Quiet Place: Part II manages to continue the story in a very organic way and sets the tables well for an absolute banger of a third part finale! Even if it takes a few more years to come out or if we never get a third film at all, it works just when watching it back-to-back with the original making it feel like an absolutely complete experience on it’s own! Providing the best use of scares, thrills, brutal kills along with having the best direction and performances of all three movies, A Quiet Place: Part II is the best Quiet Place film to date and one of the best horror sequels out there!

Top 20 Best Movies of 2014

It’s been ten years since 2014! Let that sink in for a moment! TEN YEARS SINCE FREAKING 2014! I got nothing else to add than that!

In all seriousness, when looking back on 2014, I can never stop to think about just how much amazing films that came out of that year. No matter what genre of movies you like, there was something for you about everybody! Action, drama, comedy, horror, suspense, thriller, and also some superhero stuff! I would go as far to say that 2014 was the best year for films since I’ve been alive. Yeah, it was THAT good!

And maybe it was just me but I also can’t help but feel like this was the last “tolerable” year when it came to discourse surrounding films and entertainment! Before it was all about what’s woke and what’s not and something something something “cultural war”, the conversation surrounding film was more on what the medium itself was about and NOT the politics behind it all, both from a studio standpoint and social/cultural standpoints! Yes, we did unfortunately get a sneak preview with what was to come for the next decade with the infamous geek culture movement that was GamersGate but at the time, it was easy to ignore that and just judge films for what they actually are!

And if I were to judge 2014 in film form, I don’t think you could get much better than this! There were bangers after bangers scattered throughout the entire year, from a promising spring to a knockout summer movie season to a worthy Oscar season. There were so many great films to come out in 2014 that I couldn’t narrow it down to just 10 or 15 movies! No, I had to go with 20 of them, TWENTY! And there were also ten other honorable mentions that I couldn’t squeeze but desperately wish I could! That should give you an indication of just how incredible 2014 was for movies!

Let’s not waste anymore time and dive straight into this list! Starting off with my TEN honorable mentions!

Honorable Mentions:

  • Enemy
  • The Theory of Everything
  • 22 Jump Street
  • A Most Violent Year
  • Locke
  • The Boxtrolls
  • The Drop
  • The Imitation Game
  • The Fault In Our Stars
  • Frank

That’s right! Not a single one of those was able to crack my top 20! You starting to see why I keep saying that 2014 was an AMAZING year for films! Anyways, now my top 20!

20.) The Babadook

Starting off the list is was my favorite horror film to come out in 2014 with The Babadook! Jennifer Kent is able to start her directing tenure with a bang with with this creepy and terrifying thriller, acting as perhaps the scariest film at the time since Sinister. The performances from Essie Davis and Noah Wiseman are stellar, the atmosphere is as haunting as it could get, and the Babadook itself is one of the more scary antagonists in recent horror movie history. It’s not quite a film that I go back to rewatch often but it’s undoubtedly a must watch for any fan of horror there!

19.) Fury

One of the most compelling war flicks in recent memory, David Ayer is able to deliver a film about the horrors of war and the atrocities that come with it for those that are involved in it. Despite all the stellar things about this film such as the intense action sequences, great cinematography, and spot-on direction, it’s the performances from the cast members such as Brad Pitt, Shia Labeouf, Jon Bernthal, Logan Lerman, and Michael Douglas that is able to evaluate the picture even further to make it stand out as well as it does. It may not break any new boundaries for war films and there is a near half hour long detour that could have been trimmed down from time but aside from that, Fury is a damn solid war flick.

18.) Life Itself

Back in 2013, we lost one of the best and most respected film critics in the industry with Roger Ebert. One year later, we were able to get a great documentary that did this great man justice in Life Itself.  A beautiful and emotional dive into this iconic movie review, showing his incredible legacy in a powerfully moving narrative among other critics and filmmakers out there. He was a film critic that earned the respect from every one around him and this documentary gives a great showcase as to why. RIP Roger Ebert! Cinema would never be the same without you! Two thumbs up!

17.) The Grand Budapest Hotel

While Wes Anderson can be a hit or miss filmmaker for me, he was able to hit big time here with The Grand Budapest Hotel! Anderson’s style is able to fit perfectly throughout this film, delivering his most striking visuals to date alongside an uncommonly fast-paced and engaging story. The cast members are all on top form here, the script is witty and full of charm, the production value is absolutely outstanding, and there’s even a very engaging and moving narrative at center, making everything matter more in the grand scheme of things. I do imagine most Wes Anderson fans would have this rank much higher on this list but The Grand Budapest Hotel is still more than worthy of landing a spot among the top 20 best films of 2014.

16.) Selma

If you’re looking for perhaps the most personal film of the year where you can hear the director’s voice throughout the entire picture, Selma would likely take the cake as the best of the year in that regard. This is a film where you can feel the weight of every scene, line, & moment that Ava DuVernay shows on screen. This is the kind of biopic that likely has and will be shown in schools so that generations never forget the message, spirit, power, and importance of the man that is Dr. Martin Luther King. It may not be the most comfortable watch but Selma is undeniably one of the most important watches of 2014.

15.) Snowpiercer

Captain America: The Winter Soldier was not the only 2014 film that had Chris Evans being a badass, that honor also is shared with Snowpiercer, directed by the brilliant mind of Bong Joon-ho. It’s a film that is able to exceed at being an action flick, a sci-fi epic, and a post-apocalyptic film all at that exact same time without losing any sort of cohesion. Filled with awesome set pieces, a memorable ensemble cast, and plot twists thrown at you at every turn, there is not a second of Snowpiercer that isn’t remotely entertaining or engaging. Even if the third act left a little bit to be desired, this is still a damn exciting ride that you should not miss! Just stay away from the tv series!

14.) Interstellar

What might be Christopher Nolan’s most ambitious film to date, Interstellar makes for one of the most interesting and intriguing sci-fi films of the 21st century. The film goes into great lengths about mankind’s place in the universe and what we are willing to achieve for the survival of the human race. The effects are a feast for the eyes, it’s superbly acted, the emotional core between Cooper and his daughter is very well done, and the first two acts is able to execute it’s themes to near perfection. It’s only the bumpy as hell ending and the way a certain subplot gets completely handwave by the conclusion that prevents this from being up there with Nolan’s very best. Even if it’s not able to stick the landing as well as it could have, Interstellar makes for one engaging ride that is worth experiencing at least one time.

13.) John Wick

Before the sequels would go even bigger, bolder, lore-heavy, and dive into traditional world building, John Wick was largely a smaller-scale self contained story about a hitman coming out of retirement to avenge the death of his dog, the last piece of his late wife that remained. It may be a rather straightforward and simplistic motivation but that’s all that’s needed. Because what matters most is that we get to see Keanu Reeves kicking ass once again and become even more of a badass than he ever did in The Matrix films. With elements such as the glorified action, awesome stunts, superb lighting and cinematography, an excellent supporting cast full of recognizable talent that all get their moment to shine, and of course, the awesome Keanu Reeves delivering cheesy one-liners in a direct but cool way. While some might take issues with the simplistic plotting /characterization along with needing to tolerate corny puns and having to suspend your disbelief, anyone else that is able to accept the tropes that have become common with action movies while also wanting something fresh and new should think John Wick is right up their alley. It’s one of those movies that is able to deliver exactly what you would ever want in an action movie and even more.

12.) How To Train Your Dragon 2

Fulfilling it’s role as the dark middle chapter of DreamWorks’s most critically acclaimed film series, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is a strong example as to why they can be counted on to deliver strong middle chapters for stories when they count the most. Taking the next level in terms of animation and technical achievements, this sequel is able to exceed for the same reasons that the very best sequels out there are able to do. It takes the characters to the next step of their development by putting them on a journey which makes them challenges who they are and why they do what they do. The voice work is also particularly strong here, especially with Cate Blanchett acting as Hiccup’s long lost mother. Not to mention, the surprising fate with one of the characters stands as one of the most bold moves that any DreamWorks film has every made. While the antagonist himself is a weak line and it lacks the freshness and novelty the first film had, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is still a very impressive animated sequel that is worthy of praise.

11.) Nightcrawler

One of the most gripping and unique thrillers to come out in 2014, Nightcrawler makes for one of the most fascinating character studies in recent memory! This is a film where the main character is basically an antagonist but he’s so interesting and menacing on screen that you just get engaged whenever he is on screen regardless. It’s a nice deep look into the inner meanings of being a reporter and the lengths one will go to in order to get the news and footage that they need. Jake Gyllenhaal is exceptionally excellent here, perfectly balancing the charisma and chaotic nature of it’s character. Complemented by dark and striking visuals, a strong supporting cast, and a rather haunting atmosphere, Nightcrawler delivers greatly as a unique, intense thriller! The fact it falls just shy out of the top 10 is criminal but that’s only because of how genuinely great these next ten films are!

10.) Captain America: The Winter Soldier

If Captain America: The First Avenger was a perfect period piece flick, then Captain America: The Winter Soldier was a perfect flick for the modern times. Not only a very well done espionage thriller with plenty of thrilling action, character development, and important subject matter, but it managed to make certain characters more interesting and badass than ever before. Captain America became cool to like in this one, Black Widow was more interesting and developed this time around (along with having the best hairstyle here), Nick Fury actually gets to do something here than just try to motivate the Avengers through pep talk, and man does Winter Soldier make for an intense and threatening presence whenever he is one screen. This was the Russo Brothers first film in the MCU and they were able to make one hell of a first impression! Captain America: The Winter Soldier was an absolute game changer for the MCU when it came out back in 2014 and it still remains one of their very best films to date!

9.) Edge of Tomorrow

Perhaps the most surprising summer blockbuster of the year, Edge of Tomorrow (or Live. Die. Repeat as it was later changed to….I think) was significantly better than it had any right to be! This is a time loop film that is able to do everything it possibly can with it’s Groundhog Day-like premise! It’s able to be action packed, entertaining, funny, well-acted, perfectly paced and be able to surprise you at basically every turn! Although Tom Cruise shows he’s still able to be a convincing action star outside of Mission Impossible, it’s Emily Blunt as Rita Vrataski that steals the show entirely, fondly earning the name the Full Metal Bitch! Yes, it’s a shame this film didn’t do that well at the box office (likely due to the film’s rather lackluster campaign) but that doesn’t change the fact that this is an absurdly great and clever sci-fi action thriller that is MORE than worthy of your time!

8.) Gone Girl

Even when you think that David Fincher has run out of ways to tell compelling stories, he proves us all wrong with Gone Girl. This works near perfectly as not just a faithful adaption of the novel which it is based on but it also works as terrific social commentary on the politics surrounding media and the consequences of coming to a general consensus without having all of the information. Ben Affleck might be damn good here but Rosamund Pike is absolutely INCREDIBLE here, giving perhaps the best performance out of any actress this year. With a fantastic script, great cinematography, an engaging cast, and a narrative that will keep you intrigue and guessing throughout, Gone Girl is a fantastic thriller and one of the very best films to come for the great David Fincher.

7.) X-Men: Days of Future Past

While there’s definitely a strong argument to be made that Logan is objectively the best X-Men film ever made, Days of Future Past is by far my absolute favorite “team-up” X-Men film in the series. From the superb character development to the amazing action set pieces (The Quicksilver scene is still an all-timer!) to the warm, dark tone to the resonate themes to the inventiveness of the time travel storytelling to the inspired score, this is basically everything you can ask for in an X-Men film or in basically any superhero movie in general. But the one thing I believe is most important to take away from Days of Future Past is how just because you are course-correcting your franchise does not mean the overall product has to suffer because of it. I can’t really recall any movie in recent memory that was able to be a kind of course-correcting movie without feeling the need to sacrifice it’s own quality for a brighter future. As curious as I am with how the Marvel Cinematic Universe handles the X-Men property from now on, I can’t imagine them topping this film or craft something as creative and inventive as this, at least in terms of live-action (X-Men 97 is MAGNIFICENT btw!)

6.) Birdman

The film that won Best Picture at the Oscars may not quite be the very best film that I saw in 2014 but in many ways, it’s pretty damn close! Birdman remains one of the most unique and original films in recent memory, giving a great insight into a legendary actor passed his prime, how film critics observe film, and the way that Hollywood operates in chasing successful trends. The one-shot gimmick is unique and never wears out it’s welcome, the screenplay is excellent, the narrative is engaging, the cinematography is more than Oscar-caliber, and the performances from Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, and Edward Norton is among the very best in all three of their careers. Even if it does have a tad sense of smugness throughout, almost as if director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is shouting his frustrations at the way superhero flicks are taking over anything, Birdman is an extremely impressive cinematic achievement that it’s too hard to care about any potential shortcomings.

5.) Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

If you want a textbook example on how to do a proper summer movie blockbuster, this would be exactly what you find in that dictionary. Released in a loaded 2014 movie season that was serving constant bangers, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes was able to stand greatly among them. This is a layered, three-dimensional, and at times unpredictable film that is able to tell a cautionary tale about the roles that two different species play and every single one of them looking for the best possible outcome for themselves. Instead of going with a conventional “apes good, human bad” approach, Dawn instead shows the pros and cons of both the humans and apes, highlighting the gray area that is consuming both sides, as the two sides are trying to make for the best possible future for themselves in the worst possible times. We also can’t forget the spectacular visuals and motion capture of the apes that has never been better than it has been here, great action, perfect tension throughout, and one of the coolest and underrated villains in recent memory in Koba, played perfectly by Toby Kebbell. Perfectly paced, perfectly written, perfectly directed, and perfectly acted (Give Andy Serkis an Oscar already!), Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is blockbusters at it’s absolute finest, giving me all hope that we are still capable of making great franchise installments.

4.) The Lego Movie

One of the most genuinely surprising films in recent memory, The LEGO Movie was able to defy any logical odds and become an instant classic! This is a movie where you have the LEGO people be actual characters who get development, it’s own unique animation style, tons of exciting and inventive set pieces, incredibly funny and original jokes, poking fun at movie cliches, subverting expectations at every turn, and has a heartfelt message that can appeal to both kids and adults that have played with LEGOS at some point in their lives. Phil Lord and Chris Miller were able to fully realize their vision when sitting comfortably in the director’s chair and used this premise to create this magnificent animated picture. While I’m sure the movie was able to help sell tons of LEGO sets the way that stockholders hoped it would, The LEGO Movie was able to be something much more than simply be a movie exist to sell toys, even if that was intention with stockholders. It showed that just because you’re a brand doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the artistic integrity and creativity to make something special. 

3.) The Raid 2

You wanna talk about an action filmmaking TRIUMPH, that would be The Raid 2! Gareth Evans is able to take everything that made the original Raid so good and crank it up to ELEVEN here! The action is constantly non-stop, throwing one amazing fight at you after another with constant blood and carnage throughout, the shock value is off the charts, every single frame and set piece feel expertly crafted, the pacing is absolute rapid fire, and even the story and characters are quite engaging, helping make every fight scene that more gripping and suspenseful. I don’t think I have ever seen an action film with better fight sequences, more convincing stunts, and more superb fight choreography than this! There is nothing here that feels half assed, restricted, or unconvincing! Even if nothing that happened in this movie happened in real life, it will FEEL like that when you are watching The Raid 2! There’s been a lot of great action films out there but when it comes to the pure action itself, I don’t think I’ve seen a film that delivers that any better than The Raid 2!

2.) Guardians of the Galaxy

While this may not be technically the best directed, acted, or written MCU movie, I don’t think there’s any other MCU movie I would rather rewatch than the original Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s incredible how a movie with this different of concept and characters and play barley over two hours yet it still feels like the complete package. Every member of the Guardians of the Galaxy is instantly iconic and lovable, with the big standouts being Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon, and Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, the story is familiar but also refreshing with it’s own unique identity to it, the action scenes are well-crafted, it’s incredibly funny as hell, the score is kick-ass, and there’s some hard hitting emotions that feel just right. Even the one-note villain of Ronan the Accuser, is actually quite functional in his own way as being the space equivalent of Hitler. There are definitely Marvel movies that are better made and might be better objectively but you’d be hard pressed to find one that’s as fresh, surprising, and flat-out more entertaining than Guardians of the Galaxy! This is a film I can watch time and time again and NEVER be bored with!

1.) Whiplash

There are rare times when films feel more like than just films but feel like experiences! I don’t think I can think of a more fitting example of that than Whiplash! There was no film in 2014 that was able to enthrall me, challenge me, have me on the edge of my seat, or keep me engaged than Whiplash! This is not just a film about music but it’s about pushing yourself beyond measures to be the best version of yourself you can possibly me. It’s about the lengths you will go to accomplish your dream goals and what you are willing to sacrifice along the way! It’s about a professor trying to get the very best out of his student in ways that are unconventional and absolutely anxiety inducing! Best of all, Whiplash is about filmmaking at it’s finest! Damien Chazelle’s directing is spot-on, Miles Teller turns in the best performance of his career, J.K. Simmons’s Terence Fletcher is one of the best film antagonists in recent memory, the screenplay is as air tight as they come, the score and editing is sublime, not a single moment feel wasted, and the third act is one of the best and most satisfying climaxes of any film I have ever seen! When it comes to all the films I saw in 2014, there is not that stuck with me the most and had me appreciating the more I thought about it than Whiplash! An absolute masterpiece on every level and legit one of the best films I’ve ever seen period!

Top 10 Biggest Summer Movies- Box Office Predictions

It’s now officially May which means it’s now officially summer movie season! The time of the year where the big blockbusters of the year are front and center in movie theaters everywhere now that the kids are out of school! Because of that, I figure I’d so something that I’ve yet to do on this blog, do a list of what I believe will be the top highest grossing films of the summer!

2023 was an absolute DISASTER at the box office during the summer time! That is largely due to the massive budgets from the majority of the big movies that came out that year along with just the overall inconsistent-to-poor quality of those big movies. And considering the fact there will likely be no Barbenheimer to save the summer, 2024 will likely be just as challenging for summer movies!

Even so, I think the 2024 summer movie season will give a big indication as to whether or not Hollywood is still recovering from the post-covid era of struggling to get people’s butts into theater seats or will this be the beginning of a resurrection for summer movies! We can only cross our fingers and hope for the best!

And considering I’ve been seeing multiple people put their own predictions of the top 10 biggest summer movies in terms of profit, why not throw my own hat in the ring and do my own list of this?! Keep in mind, these are the movies that I believe will be the highest grossing of the summer, not the ones that I desperately want to be at the very top. If that were the case, then Furiosa would at least be in the top 3 and Despicable Me 4 would be dead last on this list. This is list is not a matter of anticipating or movies I think will be objective the best, this is a list of the movies that I believe will be the most to least successful in terms of the top 10 movies of the summer.

Also, this is a ranking based on box office numbers worldwide and NOT domestic. That list would be harder and more complicated for me to judge. This is how I feel the box office numbers will hold for each film WORLDWIDE. Could I be dead wrong on every single one of these? Absolutely! But hey, it’s fun to be able to make predictions, right?!

Time to jump right in and put my predictions on what I believe will be the top 10 highest grossing films of the summer!

10.) Furiosa

Release Date: May 24th

Box Office Projection: $350 Million

Reason: I have all the faith in the world that George Miller will deliver with this film but I’m just not sure it’s one that most general audience will be interested in. Despite the massive praise that Mad Max: Fury Road got back in 2015, it only made a little over 380 million dollars worldwide, with a net loss somewhere between $20-$40 million. And considering this is basically a prequel spin-off surrounding a character from Fury Road but played by a completely different actress and with no Mad Max to be found in the marketing, that doesn’t inspire much confidence for Furiosa to top or even match that. I love to be proven wrong and the cult following of Fury Road will show up to this one but I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up being the most frustrating Hollywood flop since last year Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning, especially with the rumored film budget being over 200 million dollars! Hopefully this prevails and we get more Mad Max films from George Miller with the time we still have with him!

9.) Bad Boys Ride or Die

Release Date: June 7th

Box Office Projection: $400 Million

Reason: This is likely the summer movie I’m the most curious to see how it performs. This is a sequel to a movie that was one of the last solid hits to come out before covid hit. If it’s able to hit all the right beats just like Bad Boys For Life did, then I can see this doing similar numbers to that and perhaps even top it. The only big question is whether or not everyone has forgiven Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock on stage yet?

8.) The Fall Guy

Release Date: May 3rd

Box Office Projection: $425 Million

Reason: The first big movie of the summer is set to arrive tomorrow and I think this will largely benefit from being that first big movie of the summer. It also helps that it’s an awfully good over-the-top action flick that puts the spotlight on stunt doubles. If the word of mouth is good enough this weekend, I can definitely see this being a genuine crowd pleaser and may even make more folks demand that the Academy act a stunt category to the Oscars. I seem to be higher on this movie than most folks that I’ve seen but I think The Fall Guy will do more than fine and dandy at the box office.

7.) A Quiet Place: Day One

Release Date: June 28th

Box Office Projection: 450 Million

Reason: Coming after the first two terrific installments, this is the one main horror franchise that has left the audience more intrigued to see what happens next. The only potential downside is that this acts as a prequel to those first two films with a completely different cast and director. The big looming questions is whether or not audiences love A Quiet Place for it’s memorable characters and recognizable actors or for it’s genuine scares, set pieces, and world building. If the quality for Day One is in the same ballpark as those first two Quiet Place movies, then I can certainly see it being in the same ballpark as the first two films in terms of box office results.

6.) If

Release Date: May 17th

Box Office Projection: $475 Million

Reason: There are two main factors here that will make If a good hit at the box office. First, it will be the biggest family friendly movie to come out in May (give or take The Garfield Movie) and will have enough time to stand out as that until Inside Out 2 and Despicable Me 4 come out. Secondly, it has the star power duo of Ryan Reynolds and John Krasinski. Those two factors alone are almost certain guarantee that this movie will do bank once it comes out in the next two weeks. It likely won’t be the biggest movie of the summer starring Mr. Blake Lively but it will definitely help for him to have a summer to remember.

5.) Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Release Date: May 10th

Box Office Projection: $500 Million

Reason: The next big summer entry is set to come out in theaters next month and looks as if it will be as visually delighting and narratively compelling as it’s rebooted predecessors. Disney has been doing everything in their power to promote this film by showing off the elements that folks loved the most about the previous three films. That in of itself will guarantee a strong first weekend, especially since it’s avoiding Memorial Day competition with Furiosa and The Garfield Movie. Just like with A Quiet Place: Day One, the biggest challenge that Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes will have to overcome is make people just as invested in this new cast and crew as they were with the previous ones. If it does that, then this will likely be in the top 5 movies of the summer.

4.) Twisters

Release Date: July 19th

Box Office Projection: $600 Million

Reason: It might be a bold claim on the surface to predict this one making 600 million and being one of the biggest movies of the summer but hear me out. The original Twisters is adored by many, it has the star power of Glen Powell, coming off his great work in Top Gun: Maverick, and everyone just loves a good disaster flick. The trailers have been doing it’s best to sell audiences on exactly what they want to see out of a disaster movie and that alone will likely get plenty of folks into the theaters. I could be dead wrong in claiming this but even if this does get bad reviews, I don’t see that scaring away audiences because this is the definition of a “critic proof” movie. By that note, this will likely be the most successful “critic proof” movie since The Super Mario Bros Movie. Hopefully, the discourse over the Rotten Tomato score won’t be as insufferable.

3.) Inside Out 2

Release Date: June 14th

Box Office Projection: $750 Million

Reason: Disney has been in quite a slump as of late with their theatrically released films, especially in terms of animation. Despite all the flops released last year, Elemental had some staying power and made just enough to be guaranteed a profit, making that and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 the only Disney movies to NOT be considered a financial disappointment. And considering this is a sequel to one of the most beloved Pixar films in recent memory, Inside Out 2 will be able to do some of the best numbers with Disney Animation since 2019, especially if the reviews are stellar. The recent track record alone might prevent it from reaching the same success as the first one but if it delivers, Inside Out 2 should be able to be the most successful theatrically released Pixar film since Toy Story 4 and possibly even the most successful theatrically released Disney film overall since Frozen 2.

2.) Deadpool & Wolverine

Release Date: July 26th

Box Office Projection: $900 Million

Reason: Many folks have claimed this will be a guarantee billion dollar hit but I think everyone needs to come back to reality for a moment. After many big movies underperformed last year, including two MCU installments, we might need to pump the breaks on such bold claims. As much as Deadpool & Wolverine is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and will likely be one of the biggest movies of the summer, that’s won’t guarantee 7 digits as prior big Marvel movies did. The R-rating alone (A reminder that there has been only ONE film to ever make a billion dollars!) along with the inconsistent quality of recent Marvel movies/shows will likely prevent it from reaching that billion dollar mark, with audiences still needing more consistent quality Marvel flicks to be fully won back. The promise of seeing Huge Jackman as Wolverine once again in yellow spandex, the buddy-cop routine with him and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool, and the absolute guarantee of multiple easter eggs, cameos, and fan service will make Deadpool & Wolverine one of the biggest movies of the summer almost certainly. When it comes to if it will be the first Marvel movie since Spider-Man: No Way Home to make a billion dollars, that more than remains to be seen in my eyes.

1.) Despicable Me 4

Release Date: July 3rd

Box Office Projection: $1.1 Billion

Reason: I don’t understand the appeal of these movies and I likely never will but one thing is certain though, this franchise certainly has an audience. Coming off a third entry that made a billion dollars and a second Minions movie that almost made a billion dollars, there is no reason to believe that Despicable Me 4 won’t be in that exact same territory in terms of box office success. Whether you like or hate them, Illumination Animation certainly knows how to get kids and families to theaters with their films and this will certainly be no exception. As I said before, the quality of any of these films is irrelevant and I highly doubt any kind of negative reviews will impact the box office results here. If I had to pick one big movie that is the saftest bet to make a billion dollars and be the highest grossing movie of the summer, it would be Despicable Me 4. I wish that was not the case but hey, there are plenty of folks out there that do. So, what do I now?

Other notes:

As for the other movies that got let off the list!

  • The Garfield Movie nearly came close to topping Furiosa the 10th spot but unless it’s able to make noise at Memorial Day, I can see this being shipped to digital really quickly. It might do enough for a profit but not Hotel Transylvania and Spider-Verse numbers.

  • Alien: Romulus looks like a return to traditional roots for the series in the form of Prey but it will likely have to pay for the sins of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant (Damn you, Ridley Scott!).

  • The Bikeriders seems fun but won’t leave much impact until it hits streaming service like it originally was suppose to.

  • Horizon: An American Saga could likely come and go depending on it’s quality.

  • And if the trailers for Borderlands is anything to go by, this will likely be one of the biggest bombs of the summer. Why, Eli Roth?! Just why?!

Abigail (2024) Movie Review- Justice For Melissa Barrera

Last year, Melissa Barrera was betrayed. Following the success of her standout performances in Scream (2022) and VI, the producers of those films decided to cut ties with her for having the audacity to voice her support for a dying Palestine. They can claim that it technically wasn’t “firing” because her contract was set to expire all they want but that was a cowardly move made by the studios. Even so, Melissa Barrera did remain working with Radio Silence, the company behind those last two Scream movies along with the excellent Ready or Not. Here she plays a character that by in large resembles the situation that Barrera has found herself dealing with in real life. She committed certain screw ups that got where she is now and is fighting for her life to get back to making things right. While that is mostly largely coincidental, Abigail could not have been a better follow up for Mrs. Barrera and Radio Silence if they tried.

It’s able to get an insanely talented cast and crew and put them front and center to make one of the best vampire movies in recent memory. It’s full of wit, charm, blood bath kills, and is completely bonkers from beginning to end. It made take a while for all the pieces to be put into place and those that watched the trailers might see some of the big reveals coming from a mile away but nevertheless, Abigail is proof that Radio Silence is the next consistent horror movie studio to watch out for and this film will definitely be up there as one of the best horror movies that 2024 will have to offer.

Premise: A group of would-be criminals (Melissa Barrera, Dan Stevens, Kathryn Newton, Will Catlett, Kevin Durand, and Angus Cloud) kidnaps the 12-year-old daughter (Alisha Weir) of a powerful underworld figure (???). Holding her for ransom in an isolated mansion, their plan starts to unravel when they discover their young captive is actually a bloodthirsty vampire.

(I don’t want to reveal too much more considering the trailers had already given away a good chunk of the plot. Once again, if you haven’t seen the trailers yet and are looking forward to the movie, I would recommend to NOT watch them before seeing the movie.)

It may seem tiring to call films “self aware” nowadays, especially since that seems to be the norm for a film trying to be as “critic proof” as possible and would allow for it’s own “get out of jail” free card. However, Abigail remains the best kind of self aware. Not just because it wants to subvert the vampire genre that it’s a part of but it wants to embrace it with opening arms. It’s not so much interest in reinventing the wheels but more of putting both hands firmly on the wheel and taking viewers into directions that they may or may not expect. The main reason Abigail is able to get away with being self aware because it fully embraces the wit, camp, and gore that you come to expect from a vampire movie and a Radio Silence movie up to this point.

It does take a little while to get going however. Because it has quite an ensembled cast, it takes it’s time to get them all characterized with clear cut motivations and backstories as to who each individual is and why they got themselves into the matter that they are in. And of course, they have to establish who exactly Abagail is, even if most of the marketing as already done so, before the ball gets rolling. These sequences are made for the absolute better not just because it makes all the pay offs worth it but also for just how insanely likable the cast is.

Melissa Barrera is even better here than she is in the last two Scream movies combined, practically evaluating her status as a true iconic final girl and one that can carry any horror movie that she is a part off. Dan Stevens steals every scene he is in even harder than he did in Godzilla X Kong, somehow able to make his character likable and hilarious despite basically playing an absolute a-hole. Kathryn Newton is just as good here as she was in Freaky and Lisa Frankenstein, Angus Cloud (May he RIP!) and Kevin Durand gets some of the best laughs in the movie, and while not quite in the movie as much as I would like, Giancarlo Esposito is always a delight to see on screen.

Despite how strong the other cast members are, the real star of this show is no other than Abigail herself in young Alisha Weir. She slays every scene that she’s in and makes for the perfect centerpiece for this movie. She’s able to be fun, sympathetic, and terrifying all at the same time, making her presence feel noticed throughout the entire runtime of the film. Whether it’s for strictly horror or other movies, this young girl should have a bright future ahead of her.

As you would expect for a horror slasher and a straight up vampire flick, it more than delivers on all the kills here. Once things are set in place, Abagail becomes an absolute blood bath in the best and most gruesome ways possible. There’s plenty of thrilling and convincing kills that will give horror fans their craving, it’s able to play in it’s own B movie camp to near perfection, and the demented death scenes feel as satisfying as it does gruesome. Even if the film does commit to it’s campy and comedic undertone, it also commits greatly to it’s kills and thrills as well.

If there is any glaring weakness outside of the bit overlong set-up and the trailers spoiling the big reveals, it’s that perhaps it goes too far by the end with it’s over-the-top ness. It wouldn’t be quite as noticeable as the rest of the movie if it wasn’t for the fact that it tries to throw one or two more twists and emotional beats towards the end. It’s hard to explain without spoilers but the final deathmatch comes across as being stretched just in the hopes of not feeling too short or anti climatic with it’s last minute reveals.

Even so, in a year that has been quite underwhelming for cinema thus far, Abigail does feel like a refreshing change of pace for not just the horror genre but films in general. It’s able to meet the expectations it sets out too because it know every single trope of it’s genre it wants to commit to and manages to execute them all in the best way possible. It may not be revolutionary but it does everything it possibly can to make for a satisfying experience. The cast is great, the kills are brutal, the scares all work, and even if you are able to see the reveals coming from a mile away, you’ll be fascinated to see how well they are all done.

I can only hope this movie does well enough that it not only allows Radio Silence to keep making these kind of movies but it also puts Melissa Barrera on the map as a gal to watch out for in movies. Don’t let the Scream producers win here folks! Go support Abagail for not just a very fun time but also for our girl Melissa!


And once again, Rest in Peace to the great Angus Cloud!

Night Swim (2024) Early Movie Review- A January Horror Movie At It’s Finest

It’s become cliche to say that a movie released in January sucks. After all, January is pretty much considering the dumpster month of movies. A time where the kids are back in school and the awards contenders are able to hit that end of the year deadline in some areas to qualify for the Oscars. However, in recent memory, there has been a solid number of released films released around this time that were actually not bad or had at least some version of quality. 2016 had Kung Fu Panda 3. 2017 had Split. 2018 (at least in America) had Paddington 2. 2020 (before the pandemic) had Bad Boys For Life. 2022 had Scream. And just last year, 2023 had M3GAN. None of these films were necessarily masterpieces (except for Paddington 2) but they did at least start their respective year on a decent enough note that got folks interested to see what the rest of the year had in stores. If there is a January movie in 2024 that would do exactly that, it’s CERTAINLY not going to be Night Swim. Despite Blumhouse being able to surprise folks with M3GAN last year, they can not make that same lighting strike twice here.

Premise: Forced into early retirement by a degenerative illness, former baseball player Ray Waller (Wyatt Russell) moves into a new house with his wife (Kerry Condon) and two children (Gavin Warren, Amelie Hoeferle). He hopes that the backyard swimming pool will be fun for the kids and provide physical therapy for himself. However, a dark secret from the home’s past soon unleashes a malevolent force that drags the family into the depths of inescapable terror.

The most blatant problem with Night Swim is how it can’t seem to figure out what kind of film it wants to commit the most too. You would believe based off the premise of a pool monster who preys on those that dare take a late night swim would put the majority of the focus on building tension and creating inventive scares that will get under your skin during and after the movie ends. However, it also wants to be a deep thematic movie about learning to accept a new stage in your life when you can no longer go back to the prior one and the overall meaning of sacrifice for the ones you love. Night Swim tries to do both stories at the same time but it’s done in the most half baked way imaginable.

The overall lore and mythology of who exactly this pool demon is are painfully underdeveloped. It’s never clear as to who this monster is, why it does what it does, or even how it’s been allowed to thrive in this pool for so long. Even when we get to the part where the original victim of this monster dive into the backstory of their prior encounter with the demon, it just makes thing even more complicated and confusing than it already is. It seems like it wants that pool to come across as some sort of drug, where the father and son become too addicted to it to the point where they are starting to lose who they are, but it’s never clear as to why it’s suppose to help those that swim into the pool. At best, it might heal Ray Waller of his disease sooner rather than later so he can go back to playing baseball but even then, aside from one scene where they go to the hospital for checks, that never gets addressed again and the movie goes on to the next nonsensical thing. It’s not a good thing when the first thing I ask myself when the movie was over is like, “Why don’t the family just NOT swim in the pool?!” There, problem solved!

The human drama with Ray and his disease is probably the most engaging subplot but it honestly feels like it should have made for it’s own movie rather than this one. A story about Ray having to choose to embrace his new life fighting this new disease only with his family or working his way through his illness to become a ball player could make for an interesting flick but not for a horror one. It’s the two conflicting tones of wanting to be a human drama and an intense horror thriller that makes Night Swim feels at odds with itself. This is all the more apparent in the final reel which the main character makes a move that’s suppose to tie into the overall theme the movie has been flirting with throughout the runtime but because of the other things it had to focus on, it comes across as anti-climatic and (the more that you think about it) incredibly stupid. It should have decided if it wanted to be a personal character driven drama or a straight up scary flick, not both at the same time.

When it comes to the scares themselves, some of them are decent but there is nothing here that will make your skin crawl shortly after the film ends. Most of it only works when it happens in the moment and there’s no creative visual imagery that will be living in your head rent free. The rest of the scares are poorly shot, lighted, and edited where I could barely see what was happening on screen. The perfect example are the scenes towards the end where the mother and son goes into the pool to confront the demon and it felt like the filmmakers had the desire to hid as much as possible for whatever reason. I don’t know if it had to do with the lack of a big budget, the proper rating, or that the director doesn’t have much major film experience but for those coming for the scares, you will likely feel ripped off as well.

Acting wise, while far from the worst performances you will see in an January movie, there’s nothing that stands out from the cast. Wyatt Russell is the most entertaining one here but feels too comedic for this role, almost feeling like he would fit better in a Jordan Peele horror movie rather than this one. Even during the scenes where he supposedly turns evil, it’s hard to buy his sudden turn because of him keeping that same form of charisma that he did in his good form. The rest of the performances from the cast are passable at best but nothing to write home about, giving that exact feeling of only being in it for a quick paycheck.

Night Swim is a perfect example of why horror movies or movies in general released in January get a bad rep. It’s a confused mess that has no idea what kind of film it wants to be. The tone is all over the place, the scares aren’t effective, the lore and mythology surrounding the monster and haunted pool don’t add up, and the ending the more I think on it might just be one of the dumbest endings to a film in recent memory. It might be technically “watchable” and might find an audience for those that have a soft spot for these trashy January horror flicks but it’s definitely not something I can recommend you should go out of your way to see. If anything, you are better off just watching the short film that this is based off of. I may not have seen it myself but I’m willing to bet it’s better than whatever the feature film was.

Move over Bambino and Billy Goat, the newest baseball related curse has arrived in the form of Night Swim!

Is The Theatrical Experience Dead?

There was a time when you went to cinema to see the next big blockbuster, it didn’t just feel like you were in for a new movie, it felt like you were in for a new experience. Whether you loved the movie or hated it, there was a magical feeling of being in the cinema for the next big movie with a sold out crowd on opening night or weekend. I will never forget the experience of watching Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame on the very first night with the crowd being on cloud nine the whole way through. To experience all the laughs, cheers, excitement, and even tears to come from the crowd was something truly special and will always be a lasting memory for me! However, as we approach the end of 2023 and see where cinema is in it’s current state, there is a strong argument to be made about how the magic of watching films in cinema is long gone.

To say that 2023 has been a brutal year for Hollywood and cinema would be an understatement. Not only with the handful of strikes that have gone on for the majority of the year but the way that new franchise installments have underperformed vastly and bombed spectacularly at the box office. It’s not only in terms of flicks involving Disney and superheroes like the media has made it out to be but almost every notable franchise out there minus a few exceptions. And it’s not only one or two specific reasons that stand out for these movies tanking but there are MULTIPLE factors here. Multiple factors that honestly has been years in the making!

Because of that, let’s go over ever single logical factor here! Every single concrete reason as to why cinema is in the state that is in right now and why major changes need to happening if cinema will continue to evolve in the comfort of movie theaters everywhere!

The Covid-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic changed the lives of every single life form on planet Earth. A worldwide plague that forced everyone to quarantine for the majority of 2020 along with parts of 2021 and 2022. Because of that, entertainment around the world was put on hold. Theaters were closed, films were delayed, and productions of basically all forms of entertainment were put on hold. Coming right after a massive year of the box office in 2019, where there were NINE films that grossed over a billion dollars worldwide (SEVEN of them disturbed by Disney), this could not have occurred at a worse time for Hollywood.

This led to many of the big movies that were to come out in 2020 and 2021 being sent to streaming with some occasional theater showings for some of them. With over half the theaters around the country being closed and streaming services being more popular than ever, of course most chose to stay at home and watching the upcoming movies on streaming services. However, that line of thinking of just waiting to watch movies in the comfort of your own homes has clearly played an impact on the way movie goers chose to watch films in the 2020s.

With a handful of exceptions, most new franchise installments that always tended to make a guarantee profit have underperformed or bombed in this post-Covid timeline. A large reason for that has to do with the fact that most audiences would rather wait for new movies to be able for digital or streaming services then shelling a few extras bucks on concessions and theater seats when new movies come out in cinema. The theatrical experiences for most big movies nowadays is just not worth it in the eyes of the consumer.


2023 was a year that was litter with strikes going on in Hollywood, with some that either is still happening or most likely to happen soon. You have the writers strike that lasted for nearly five months, you have the actors strike that lasted for four months, there’s a strike going on at the moment with the VFX artists from Disney and Marvel, and if reports are to believe, you can bet that a strike within the gaming and animation industry is likely to occur sooner rather than later.

The strikes involving the writers and actors caused a halt in production of films along with the promotion and marketing of upcoming films being practically non-existent. This caused films like Dune: Part Two to be delayed and films that have been released during it such as The Marvels to suffer severely at the box office. While we might not have felt the direct impact of upcoming films in production that were halted because of the strike, we will certainly feel it in the next two to three years. Just as we all felt the impact of the previous writers strike with films that came out in 2009 or 2010. If the impact wave of Covid is about over, a brand new wave involving all the strikes is about to come. Surfs up!

Too Many Mid-icore Movies

While the other two reasons mentioned is a great argument of the amount of money studios spend on their movies and the amount of moment audience will spend to watch them, maybe the big reason as to do with the actual quality of the motion picture. Maybe it has to do with audience no longer wearing their rose-colored glasses and seeing how it’s become quantity over quality for a lot of franchises right there. Movies that just exist for the sake of existing and not because it’s something the audience actually want to see.

That would explain greatly how films like Barbie, Oppenheimer, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse have been the most notable successes at box office in 2023. Not just because they were names from a familiar brand but because of the strong impact they had on mainstream audiences which led to repeat theater viewings and strong worth of mouth. While not quite the most successful films of all time, it was able to exceed expectations, and possibly even surpass them due to how good those movies actually were. The same thing can’t be said about the other big movies that came out in 2023.

Fast X was seen as more of the same, over-the-top nonsense that has become accustomed to this franchise at this point. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts was seen as a passable if not disposable entry for a franchise that is still dealing with the aftermath of the overblown Bayformers flicks. The Flash was seen as a ugly CGI mess made solely for course correcting and the hope that having Michael Keaton back as Batman along with Sasha Calle’s Supergirl would be enough to overcome any shortcomings. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was seen as an unnecessary and forgettable finale to a series that already had two definite finales beforehand. The Marvels, Shazam: Fury of the Gods, and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom might have been considered “good enough” when superhero movies still felt like events but not in the year 2023. And Wish was seen as lackluster of an 100th year anniversary film for Disney that you could possibly imagine. While two or three of these might be enough to guarantee a solid three out of four stars ratings, they all did not receive the best reviews or the strongest word of mouth to make any of these worth buying a ticket for. Because of that, they were not able to make their money back or break even.

Even Good Movies Are Bombing

I’m sure most of you reading this thinks that the easy solution would be just to make better films and more people will be more eager to see them in theaters. While there have definitely been films this year that have accomplished just that, there have been other notable critically successful films that suffered at the box office regardless of it’s high quality.

These include the likes of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning- Part 1, Blue Beetle, and Killers of the Flower Moon. All four of these films were ones that gained mostly very good reviews from critics and received a certified fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes but still lost money. While plenty will argue it had to do with awkward release dates or going ridiculously overbudget, it still doesn’t change the fact that these were all very good films in the eyes of critics and folks that went to see them but still underperformed or flopped at the box office.

This just goes to show you that even films that are well-acclaimed are not guarantee to be box office hits either. Sometimes a movie bombing has nothing to do with it’s overall quality, it’s that audience didn’t have the interest or knowledge of it’s existence to check them out while it was playing in theaters. There are plenty of good to great films in recent memory in the past that have been guilty of that: Dredd, Edge of Tomorrow, The Nice Guys, Blade Runner 2049, Annihilation, and Doctor Sleep just to name a few. While I’m sure all four of the 2023 films mentioned will find or already has found it’s audience through digital or physical media, the fact they were unable to gain them at the time it came out in theaters goes to show how even well quality films have suffered from other dire consequences.

Overbudgeting At It’s Finest

This is the one that everyone and their mother has pointed out but it’s certainly worth pointing out again. The amount of money that is being spend on these big movies is beyond ridiculous. Going past the traditional of $150 to $200 million budgets to big blockbusters in favor of now $250 to $300 million budgets. You have Elemental and Wish costing $200 million to make, The Flash costing $220 million to make, The Marvels costing $275 million to make, Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning- Part 1 cost $291 million to make, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny costing $300 million to make, and even Fast X costing $340 million to make. And that’s not even including the amount of money that was spent on trailers and marketing which you could add at least a few more million with. The overconfidence in box office has certainly been Hollywood’s weakness throughout the entirety of 2023.

I’m sure many people will point out how the larger budgets may have to do with Covid-19 halting many of these projects while they were in development but that doesn’t excuse how others movies released this year which made either just as much, more, or even less than any of the big movies were able to be a financial hit. You have John Wick: Chapter 4 which made a franchise record, 432 million worldwide, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse making over 600 million worldwide, which is a record for Sony Animation, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 making over 800 million worldwide, and The Super Mario Bros Movie making over 1.3 billion worldwide.

When looking at the movies mentioned from this year, only Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was able to have a budget over 200 million dollars and was able to be a financial success. The rest of the movies either underperformed or flat out bombed at the box office. It makes you wonder how in the world movies such as The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Across the Spider-Verse were able to have a cheaper budget than Elemental despite having more impressive animation and more well known celebrities in the cast. Even so, it goes to show you how easy it is to make back your money on movies if you keep your expectations and budget in check without going too overboard.

If a movie making half or 3/4 of a billion dollars is considered underperforming, the studios need to take a good, hard look at themselves and figure out what has allowed that to happen. If you need to make at or near a billion for your big movie to make a profit, then that just speaks volume how little connection you have with yourself or the general public. Even if Covid was a factor in some extra money being spent, that can’t be the only factor to do it.

It must be no coincidence that the three highest grossing films of the year in Barbie, Mario, and Oppenheimer were all films that only cost 145 million or less. Take a hint, Hollywood!

Theater and Concession Prices Are Ridiculous

Is it me or has the prices for movie tickets and concessions skyrocketed quite a bit to the point of insanity? No matter what time or day it is, it seems like movie tickets nowadays cost a total of at least 12 to 15 dollars with 15 to 20 dollars involving food and beverage. That’s at least 25 to 35 dollars spent on one night at the movies, possibly more if you are going with friends or family members. That is just insane!

While there are certain theater companies out there that offer paid monthly subscriptions that helps save money with going to the movies such as Regal, not all theater companies are like that. At best, you will get a five or ten dollar discount after spending 50 to 100 dollars worth on your local theater and that’s basically it. And if you don’t find yourself using any of those subscriptions, that’s just a few extra bucks you got to fork over just for one or two times at the cinema.

Whether this is due to Covid-19 or the power of inflation, the increase of price in tickets and concessions has to play an effect on the way audience select the upcoming blockbusters they want to see. The movie going experience is more expense now than ever before, almost approaching the level of the expenses of gaming and sporting events. Because of that, it’s obvious the mainstream audience are mostly picking and choosing at random which movies they want to see on the big screen and which ones they would rather wait to watch in the comfort of their own homes. They’ll go see their Barbie and Oppenheimer but they will likely rather wait for The Marvels and Killers of the Flower Moon to come to streaming.

Maybe, just maybe, if theaters and cinema would have the urge to lower the prices on tickets and concessions or offer more events like Cinema Day, perhaps folks might be more willing to check films out in cinema when they arrive on the big screen.

Movies Are No Longer Events

To repeat what I said at the start of this article, remember when going to a movie of a big franchise felt like a cinematic event? Almost as if you are about to witness a moment in history you would be eager to tell your kids and grandkids many years later down the road? Is it me or has the movie theater experience lacked that hype and event feeling at least since 2020 rolled around?

There have been exceptions of course. You have the likes of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Top Gun: Maverick, Avatar: Way of Water, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Barbie, and Oppenheimer that were able to achieve that cinematic feeling for most moviegoers out there. But, those are really only exceptions compared to other franchise films that have come out since then. Instead of the feeling you are about to watch the cinematic equivealant of the World Series in theaters, it now feels like you are watching the cinematic equivalent of a Spring Training game.

When I saw The Marvels and The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes in theaters, the things that took me off guard the most when watching them was how uncinematic it felt watching those in theaters, especially compared to the series prior installments. I remember theaters being mostly packed when I saw the first Captain Marvel and the other Hunger Games films when I saw them in theaters, with the feeling that the hype and anticipation of so many folks was about to pay off. When I saw the newest installment of Captain Marvel and Hunger Games, I can only count on hand about eight to ten other folks with me in the theaters, which made about less than a quarter of the whole theater. If that’s not a sign how far the feeling of being in a movie theater has fallen, then I don’t know what is.

I could also give other examples, most recently with Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom set to be an absolute bomb despite the first film being the highest grossing DC film of all time, but the examples I just mentioned really gave me that depressing feeling about how the theater experience isn’t the same anymore and likely never will be.

This is likely because of how most franchise installments nowadays don’t feel like events anymore. Whether that’s due to Covid-19 or being oversaturated with them or just the overall declining quality with most of them, they just don’t feel as grand or rewarding as they used to be. Because of that, what’s the point of going to theaters anymore when you can just wait a couple of months to watch them in your own homes where you will save yourself extra cash? It’s like they said, vote with your wallet and that’s what many moviegoers have done since the pandemic rolled around.

How To Fix This?

There has been plenty of discussions going around on what Hollywood needs to do to fix their current problems. I’ll tell you right now that there is no simple solution to fix all of this. They have dug themselves into massive hole that it will take years to come even close to climbing out of it. If I were to give a simple bit of advice, it’s to probably go back to the “old school” ways of making films.

Don’t feel the need to go overbudget, don’t overthink every single bit of detail, don’t needlessly overwork your VFX artists, use every old fashioned camera trick and editing technique in the book, work at a reasonable time and pace, and most importantingly, make them all feel like films that deserve to be seen in movie theaters. Also, lowering the prices on tickets and concessions would help as well!

Of course, this won’t solve every single problem that Hollywood is currently having, especially with the amount of strikes that are likely gonna occur in the future, but at least it would give a reason as to why the theatrical experience should still be a thing in the year 2023 and onwards. Why going out to theaters to see the newest blockbuster when it comes out is important instead of just waiting a few extra months to watch on streaming or demand!

All of those things and much more need to happen if the theatrical experience is to thrive in the future. Otherwise, streaming and digital media will be the absolute future with no need for theaters and physical media.

Thanks a lot, Trolls: World Tours! You destroyed cinema!