Why You Should Go See The Fall Guy In Theaters

I didn’t think I would be making another one of these pieces so soon but yeah. The Fall Guy is yet another very good male led action flick that is struggling in theaters. I’m not going into all the details as to why I think that is because I would just be repeating the exact same thing I said when talking about Monkey Man and Boy Kills World. I’ll admit I was a little surprise this one underperformed considering it was basically the film to kick off the summer movie season and I believe that getting that early May spot might boost up the box office numbers. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case this far. Unless it’s able to gain Elemental level of legs, my summer box office predictions has already gotten off to a poor start.

That being said, let’s stop talking about the box office numbers and start talking about the film itself and why you should see it in theaters if you haven’t. There are no spoilers to be found here! Just five distinct reasons why The Fall Guy is worth your time and money in cinema.

1.) Stunt People Get Some Love!

The main selling point of The Fall Guy other than the star power of Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt (We’ll get to them later!) is that this would be a film that would give professional stunt folks the love and respect they deserve. Not just strictly as a celebration for all their accomplishments that they’ve achieved on tv and film throughout the years but more of showcasing the risks they take by making stunts their job and the consequences that can come from it. It’s proof that yeah….stunt guys are real people too and should be taken into serious considerations of film and tv production.

Yes, there is also a touching romance story and a conspiracy/mystery plot thrown in there as well but at the front and center is a stunt man that is putting his life on the line by doing it in the way that he knows best. That way is with his set of skills he spent years training for as a professional stunt person. He can take a punch, kick, and be sprung all over the damn place because that’s what he trained himself to do. He may not be the name that gets people in seats but he takes all the cuts and bruises so the main star is able to do so.

I can’t think of a film in recent memory that showcases the importance of stunt people and why they deserve more recognition than The Fall Guy. So much so, that it should put pressure on the Academy to add a best stunts category for the Oscars. As more and more action films get made and use practical effects and professional stunt folks to make the action more awesome and believable, why not give them some love? If this film gets more notice as the year goes on, then I believe everyone will have the Academy’s eyes and ears in that regard.

2.) Ryan Gosling And Emily Blunt Are Great Here!

Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt gave two of the best performances last year. With Ryan Gosling, he had the legendary Ken! With Emily Blunt, she had Mrs. Oppenheimer! They were two of the best performances of their careers, earning them both Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actor/Actress! What better way for them to follow up those memorable performances by putting the pair together for this movie and have a romantic relationship be the main driving force for The Fall Guy!

David Leitch is able to get the best performances out of Gosling and Blunt respectively because it’s able to utilize their talents the way it has being in prior movies. With Ryan Gosling, he’s able to bring his star power charisma as Ken from Barbie along with the badass but incompetent role he played in The Nice Guys (See that movie ASAP if you haven’t already!). With Emily Blunt, she is able to play the role of the woman of the picture handed the most responsibility in a dire situation like with A Quiet Place along with a tiny bit of the that badassery she gained on Edge of Tomorrow. Taking those into account, they could not be a more perfect match for each other.

I highly doubt these performances are going to earn Mr. Gosling and Mrs. Blunt the acclaim they received last year but these are definitely performances that work perfectly for this movie. It’s also refreshing to see a romance put front and center in a 2024 movie that feels as sweet and genuine as intended. Star power may not be as much of a main selling point for movies as it once was but Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt deserves all the love in the world with what they were able to do with this movie.

3.) The Action Is Chaotic!

This should be a no brainer if you are familiar with David Leitch movies. Ever since co-directing John Wick, he has held his own in the action genre with Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, Hobbs & Shaw, and Bullet Train. With The Fall Guy, he continues to put his place as one of the better action directors to watch out on.

When it comes to the action, it’s able to fire on all cylinders! You got hand-to-hand combat, skills and weaponry, and intense vehicle chases that are all entertaining to watch. The fight choreography is on point, each one has their own sense of tension and/or amusement that fits, and of course, the stunt work is completely off the charts. With every film, it always seems like Leitch is constantly daring himself to do better and find any means necessary to top the scale and scope of each action flick he makes.

The best part about is that it’s not just Ryan Gosling that gets to kick ass but just about every notable cast member gets their own action beat of some sort. Aaron Taylor Johnson, Winston Duke, Emily Blunt, and even Stephanie Hsu gets at least one moment in action to shine. I could complain how it’s mildly ridiculous about how every single character is able to hold their own in fighting against professional fighters but the moments themselves are fun and fit perfectly with the film’s tongue-and-cheek tone that it’s genuinely hard to care. Judging by the trailers and David Leitch name attached as director, you probably except The Fall Guy to be filled with action. It is and it most certainly delivers.

4.) A Throwback Movie In The Best Way Possible!

There are two kinds of way that movies that act as a throwback/homage film can go. 1.) The references and callbacks of the picture can kill it entirely because it’s reeks of pandering, desperation, and lacking any form of it’s own identity. 2.) The references and callbacks of the picture can make the film feel whole because it plays into the throwbacks and homages that the story itself is built around and serves a clear narrative purpose. You do it the first way and you get Disney’s Wish. You do it the second way and you get The Fall Guy.

This is a film that clearly acts as a love letter to traditional action movies. There’s vibes of The Matrix, Lethal Weapon, Rush Hour, Back to the Future, and Die Hard spread all throughout the picture. That’s not even talking about the homages to action flicks that appear at the very beginning of the film, even including some of Leitch’s own movies. In a lesser film, this could make it seem like The Fall Guy is an empty action flick that relies on it’s callbacks and references because it has nothing on it’s own. The Fall Guy is able to prevent that exactly by making action scenes, while having parallels to other action movies, stand out in their own unique way and having the action serve to the greater narrative of a stunt double that is trying to make a name for not just himself but other stunt doubles as well.

Throwback movies always have potential to make or break itself depending on how well its references are utilized. It could make for the worst kind of “critic proof” film, using the homages as a shield to try to give itself a “get out of jail” free card. Thankfully, The Fall Guy is smarter than that, knowing it has to be respectful to it’s throwbacks while still being a film that can stand on it’s own. If you look at it both ways, The Fall Guy works one of those ways or the other.

5.) It’s A Crowd Pleaser At It’s Absolute Finest!

The best part of seeing a good movie in the theaters is getting to experience it with a big crowd. It’s always exciting to be able to experience all the highs and lows of a motion picture when plenty of others along with you. This is what helps create happy memories at movie theaters. Not just seeing a movie on the big screen but seeing how yourself and everyone arounds you react to it. The best movies to get these crowd reactions with usually revolves around a crowd pleaser such as this.

When I think of the word crowd pleaser, I mostly think of it as a movie that feels like comfort food for just about anyone that watches it. This usually revolves around underdog sports movies or screwball comedies, where the movie seems to have no other goal than to entertain it’s audience while providing a simplistic but effective message. While not quite fitting into either one of those categories, The Fall Guy is able to get that similar vibe when watching it. You can pick at holes and inconsistences or whatever but at the end of the day, it’s just too much fun that it’s hard to care.

The crowd I was with seem to really dig The Fall Guy and it was nice to see the way audiences reaction to every joke, action beat, and plot twist that the movie throws at you. It wasn’t as big of a crowd as I would have thought but if it was, I would imagine this would have gotten the same reaction from them as it did with movies like Ford V Ferrari and even Top Gun: Maverick. I’m dead serious! And if there’s one thing that Hollywood needs more off other than big event blockbusters, it’s genuine crowd pleasers like The Fall Guy.

In Conclusion

We are currently living in a dire time with movie theaters. Unless there’s a big upcoming film that is being halted as an event to be experienced specifically in theaters, most folks would just rather stay home and wait for the newest release to come out through streaming and digital than spend 30 to 40 bucks to take their family to the movies. I know there’s not much I can personally do about it, I always find it in myself to try and spread the word on good movies to see in cinema.

The Fall Guy may not be perfect with issues regarding to pacing and balance multiple different genre of films but it definitely feels like a summer movie and just a movie made for the audience by heart. With the strength involving its cast, directing, and the action set pieces, this definitely deserves to be seen in cinema and not just at home.

If you have the money and time, go check out The Fall Guy! This definitely feels like a movie to experience with a packed crowd. Even if you go during those discount Tuesdays, it’s helpful as every penny counts. Let’s hope this is able to get strong legs and the apes are able to pick up the slack this weekend!

Top 10 Best Star Wars Games

May the 4th be with you, everybody! There is nothing like annual Star Wars day, a day that celebrates the most iconic sci-fi franchise out there! Instead of putting my entire reputation in jeopardy by ranking the Star Wars movies, how about I put my reputation in jeopardy by ranking my top 10 favorite Star Wars games?

There has been a TON of Star Wars games released over the years! Everyone has their own personal favorite as does yours truly! And to celebrate May 4th, I’m gonna share my list of my top 10 personal favorite Star Wars games!

I will say that I have not played EVERY single Star Wars game out there! There might be some of your favorites that will not be on the list because I either have not played it or I just didn’t care much for it. That should be acknowledged right out of the gate!

Let’s get onto list making by starting with my honorable mentions:

Honorable Mentions:

  • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

An arcade style flight action game that lets you control as Luke Skywalker in his X-Wing and lead the Rogue Squadron to defeating the empire. It’s always fun to take control over ships in a Star Wars game and be able to blast your way through enemies. There’s not much content outside of the 16 story missions but it was definitely enjoyable. I sure hope that Rogue Squadron movie that Patty Jenkins had in mind will eventually see the light of day.

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

One of the most controversial games in the series is one that I admittedly have fondness for. The idea of taking control of a force user that has unlimited power that wasn’t seen in any of the main Star Wars movies is a rather unique one for a Star Wars game. I did enjoy taking control of Starkiller and seeing him evolve over the course of the game. If it were less buggy and glitchy, this might have made it on the list. Also, Sam Witwer is the G.O.A.T.!

  • Star Wars: Jedi Alliance

The one game connected to The Clone War series that I enjoyed the most. Lightsaber Duels was too repetitive and wore out it’s welcome fast, Republic Heroes had INCREDIBLEY frustrating platforming and mindless combat, and Clone Wars Adventures had WAY too much locked content for a full experience. However, the Nintendo DS experience with Jedi Alliance was an enjoyable experience that took the best use of the portable device along with an intriguing story that dug deep into the lore of the Nightsisters. I might be one of the few on the planet that remembers this game but I have no shame in it whatsoever.

  • Star Wars: Elite Squadron

The Battlefront entry made exclusively for the PSP was one that felt completely made for the PSP. It was able to incorporate most of the things that made the previous Battlefront games so good while also putting it’s own spin on it to make it work for the PSP. Sure, the overall story might be silly with putting the focus on two “special” clone troopers who just so happens to be a part of EVERY turning point in the franchise but come on, you know it’s every Star Wars fan’s dream to be a hero in a galaxy far, far, away.

  • Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)

At launch, Battlefront II was another disappointment from E.A., doubling down on everything people hated about them as a company along with shoving loot boxes and microtransactions down everyone’s throat. However, as the years went on and more content from all corners of the galaxy got added in, this is now a much fonder game to look back on. Had this been the game we got back in 2017, this could have made the list. Even so, this still has to be one of the better redemption stories in recent gaming history.

Now onto the main top 10!

10.) Star Wars Trilogy Arcade

Was there anyone out there that remembers playing the hell out of this game when they went to Chuck E. Cheese? I sure do! The Star Wars Trilogy Arcade game includes the three biggest battles from the original Star Wars trilogy: The Battle of Yavin 4, The Battle of Hoth, and The Battle for Endor! It puts you in the hands of the heroes from the first three films that needs to defeat the Galactic Empire and save the day! It’s an incredibly short but sweet experience that I would also go back to whenever I was at Chuck E. Cheese. If only they can re-release this on modern consoles!

9.) Star Wars: Battlefront (2004)

The original Star Wars: Battlefront was definitely a groundbreaking game for it’s time, setting the groundwork for this series that it’s follow-up would build greatly upon. The major downside is that it came out before Revenge of the Sith that makes the campaign disjointed and rather incomplete, introducing battles through the first fives movies and not the six yet. Even so, it’s still fun to roam and fight you way through the Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War, with everything that works here becoming even better in later games. Even if it is certainly date, there’s still plenty of variety and replay value that Star Wars: Battlefront provides.

8.) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II- The Sith Lords

Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords II was able to expand upon the gameplay and lore that the original provided with equally satisfying results. The main cast of characters are among the most compelling in any form of Star Wars media and the story it tells is easily one of the best in any Star Wars video games. The only downside is how rushed the ending segments are and the most accessible version of the game is lacking the Restored Content as DLC. Aside from those two flaws, this is still a very good game that offers the strong gameplay and storytelling that the original Knights of the Old Republic offered in ways that no other Star Wars media has.

7.) Star Wars Republic Commando

If you were to describe the Star Wars game that was the absolute definitive FPS experience, look no further than Republic Commando. This single-player, first-person shooter is among the most enjoyable Star Wars gaming experience to date. You get put in the hands of the Delta Squad of Clone Troopers in the form of Boss, Fixer, Scorch, and Sev, getting a deep look into the Clone Wars itself. And before The Clone Wars series, this was the first Star Wars property to provide unique characterization to the clone troopers and treat them as actual people rather than mindless drones. This is one that can cater to not just Star Wars fans but also fans of a good FPS! If you still have yet to play it, there’s a ported version of it that you can pick up on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

6.) Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

After a skew of underwhelming Star Wars games in the hands of EA, Jedi Fallen Order was a pleasant surprise when it released back in 2019. This remaining one of the very best single-player Star Wars games, putting you in the hands of Jedi Knight Cal Kestis, who is forced to fight his way through Order 66 and the rise of the Empire. It also offers an incredibly compelling story with a cast of characters that are one of the best Star Wars groups ever (BD-1 is just everything!). While the gameplay might borrow too many elements from Soulsborne, it fits the experience completely as you hack and slash your way as a Jedi Knight with awesome force powers. Also, anytime Darth Vader goes into complete OP mode is just awesome!

5.) Star Wars: The Old Republic

BioWare’s second Star Wars game remains an absolute fan favorite for many and for good reason. The Old Republic is a highly ambitious MMO that expands upon that same ear greatly. There’s plenty of content that the game provides with many different ways for you to spend your hours during perhaps the most intriguing time period in the history of Star Wars. Some of the quests are quite standard and it does follow the same beats as most MMOs but with a Star Wars license on top it but this is still as good as this kind of Star Wars game can get. While it’s a shame we never got a third Knights of the Old Republic game, The Old Republic is more than satisfying enough on it’s own merits that it completely makes up for it.

4.) Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

Jedi Survivor was able to build upon it’s already impressive predecessor in just about every way it possibly could. It furthered the characters, it expanded upon the gameplay and universe, it moved at a faster frame rate, it took a step forward in terms of graphics, and it contained some of the best set pieces in any Star Wars video game! While it wasn’t as tight narratively as the first one and the worlds were a bit too big for some, Jedi Survivor was able to deliver more in terms of it’s gameplay, graphics, and presentation. It was one of my favorite games last year and I can not wait for the third entry of this series. If that delivers, then this series will stand strongly as top tier Star Wars media out there.

3.) Lego Star Wars Series

It’s near impossible for me to choose just one or two of these games so I decided to just include the whole series in general, except for Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens because I never played that one. Lego Star Wars will always have a special place in my heart. I played these games before I watched any of the Star Wars movies and man, was it just a fun, entertaining, and absolutely HILARIOUS way for me to get into this series. The gameplay involving the legos is unique, creative, and very enjoyable, it’s able to retell the events of the films and The Clone Wars series in ways that are both clever and super funny, and there is so much extras, unlockable content, and variety throughout that it will have you playing through these games for HOURS to DAYS on end! Regardless if you are a Star Wars fan or not, these are games I can recommend for just about anybody of any age.

2.) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

No matter what way you look at, the original Knights of the Old Republic is an absolute triumph in terms of visuals, storytelling, and gameplay for both Star Wars and the RPG genre as a whole. It takes an extraordinary look at the Star Wars universe, far removed from any film in the Skywalker Saga. It added major depth to the lore, it fully immerse you in exploring this new corner of the galaxy with rich new additions, and being a Jedi has never been more satisfying in any Star Wars video game. That’s also not to mention the memorable locations and quests, intriguing story, and memorable characters to make the whole game feel as full as you could imagine! This might be the best Star Wars game from an objective standpoint but from a subjective standpoint, there’s one more that fully perfects by Star Wars gaming experience.

1.) Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is the perfect Star Wars game! Not only does it build upon everything that the original Battlefront offered a year before and gives you even more but it is the one Star Wars game I can think of that is satisfying no matter who or what you are playing as. No matter if you are playing as a clone trooper, battle droid, rebel trooper, storm trooper, bounty hunter, smuggler, Jedi, or Sith, it is extremely satisfying to play. It offers the best areas of all six Star Wars movies up to that point, it includes most fan favorites characters to the roster such as Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Princess Leia, Boba Fett, Darth Maul, and so many more, the area and space battles are always intense and fun, the campaign is very compelling, and this has hands down the best multiplayer of any Star Wars game. It’s just a damn shame that the new remastered version is as bad as it is because with the perfect remastered, this could be seen as one of the best shooting games ever made. With the addition of online multiplayer and co-op along with some added bonus features, this could be even better. Even so, the original Star Wars: Battlefront 2 still remains a S-tier Star Wars experience and my personal favorite Star Wars game to date!

Hope you all enjoy this list and may the 4th be with you!

Top 10 Biggest Summer Movies- Box Office Predictions

It’s now officially May which means it’s now officially summer movie season! The time of the year where the big blockbusters of the year are front and center in movie theaters everywhere now that the kids are out of school! Because of that, I figure I’d so something that I’ve yet to do on this blog, do a list of what I believe will be the top highest grossing films of the summer!

2023 was an absolute DISASTER at the box office during the summer time! That is largely due to the massive budgets from the majority of the big movies that came out that year along with just the overall inconsistent-to-poor quality of those big movies. And considering the fact there will likely be no Barbenheimer to save the summer, 2024 will likely be just as challenging for summer movies!

Even so, I think the 2024 summer movie season will give a big indication as to whether or not Hollywood is still recovering from the post-covid era of struggling to get people’s butts into theater seats or will this be the beginning of a resurrection for summer movies! We can only cross our fingers and hope for the best!

And considering I’ve been seeing multiple people put their own predictions of the top 10 biggest summer movies in terms of profit, why not throw my own hat in the ring and do my own list of this?! Keep in mind, these are the movies that I believe will be the highest grossing of the summer, not the ones that I desperately want to be at the very top. If that were the case, then Furiosa would at least be in the top 3 and Despicable Me 4 would be dead last on this list. This is list is not a matter of anticipating or movies I think will be objective the best, this is a list of the movies that I believe will be the most to least successful in terms of the top 10 movies of the summer.

Also, this is a ranking based on box office numbers worldwide and NOT domestic. That list would be harder and more complicated for me to judge. This is how I feel the box office numbers will hold for each film WORLDWIDE. Could I be dead wrong on every single one of these? Absolutely! But hey, it’s fun to be able to make predictions, right?!

Time to jump right in and put my predictions on what I believe will be the top 10 highest grossing films of the summer!

10.) Furiosa

Release Date: May 24th

Box Office Projection: $350 Million

Reason: I have all the faith in the world that George Miller will deliver with this film but I’m just not sure it’s one that most general audience will be interested in. Despite the massive praise that Mad Max: Fury Road got back in 2015, it only made a little over 380 million dollars worldwide, with a net loss somewhere between $20-$40 million. And considering this is basically a prequel spin-off surrounding a character from Fury Road but played by a completely different actress and with no Mad Max to be found in the marketing, that doesn’t inspire much confidence for Furiosa to top or even match that. I love to be proven wrong and the cult following of Fury Road will show up to this one but I wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up being the most frustrating Hollywood flop since last year Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning, especially with the rumored film budget being over 200 million dollars! Hopefully this prevails and we get more Mad Max films from George Miller with the time we still have with him!

9.) Bad Boys Ride or Die

Release Date: June 7th

Box Office Projection: $400 Million

Reason: This is likely the summer movie I’m the most curious to see how it performs. This is a sequel to a movie that was one of the last solid hits to come out before covid hit. If it’s able to hit all the right beats just like Bad Boys For Life did, then I can see this doing similar numbers to that and perhaps even top it. The only big question is whether or not everyone has forgiven Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock on stage yet?

8.) The Fall Guy

Release Date: May 3rd

Box Office Projection: $425 Million

Reason: The first big movie of the summer is set to arrive tomorrow and I think this will largely benefit from being that first big movie of the summer. It also helps that it’s an awfully good over-the-top action flick that puts the spotlight on stunt doubles. If the word of mouth is good enough this weekend, I can definitely see this being a genuine crowd pleaser and may even make more folks demand that the Academy act a stunt category to the Oscars. I seem to be higher on this movie than most folks that I’ve seen but I think The Fall Guy will do more than fine and dandy at the box office.

7.) A Quiet Place: Day One

Release Date: June 28th

Box Office Projection: 450 Million

Reason: Coming after the first two terrific installments, this is the one main horror franchise that has left the audience more intrigued to see what happens next. The only potential downside is that this acts as a prequel to those first two films with a completely different cast and director. The big looming questions is whether or not audiences love A Quiet Place for it’s memorable characters and recognizable actors or for it’s genuine scares, set pieces, and world building. If the quality for Day One is in the same ballpark as those first two Quiet Place movies, then I can certainly see it being in the same ballpark as the first two films in terms of box office results.

6.) If

Release Date: May 17th

Box Office Projection: $475 Million

Reason: There are two main factors here that will make If a good hit at the box office. First, it will be the biggest family friendly movie to come out in May (give or take The Garfield Movie) and will have enough time to stand out as that until Inside Out 2 and Despicable Me 4 come out. Secondly, it has the star power duo of Ryan Reynolds and John Krasinski. Those two factors alone are almost certain guarantee that this movie will do bank once it comes out in the next two weeks. It likely won’t be the biggest movie of the summer starring Mr. Blake Lively but it will definitely help for him to have a summer to remember.

5.) Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Release Date: May 10th

Box Office Projection: $500 Million

Reason: The next big summer entry is set to come out in theaters next month and looks as if it will be as visually delighting and narratively compelling as it’s rebooted predecessors. Disney has been doing everything in their power to promote this film by showing off the elements that folks loved the most about the previous three films. That in of itself will guarantee a strong first weekend, especially since it’s avoiding Memorial Day competition with Furiosa and The Garfield Movie. Just like with A Quiet Place: Day One, the biggest challenge that Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes will have to overcome is make people just as invested in this new cast and crew as they were with the previous ones. If it does that, then this will likely be in the top 5 movies of the summer.

4.) Twisters

Release Date: July 19th

Box Office Projection: $600 Million

Reason: It might be a bold claim on the surface to predict this one making 600 million and being one of the biggest movies of the summer but hear me out. The original Twisters is adored by many, it has the star power of Glen Powell, coming off his great work in Top Gun: Maverick, and everyone just loves a good disaster flick. The trailers have been doing it’s best to sell audiences on exactly what they want to see out of a disaster movie and that alone will likely get plenty of folks into the theaters. I could be dead wrong in claiming this but even if this does get bad reviews, I don’t see that scaring away audiences because this is the definition of a “critic proof” movie. By that note, this will likely be the most successful “critic proof” movie since The Super Mario Bros Movie. Hopefully, the discourse over the Rotten Tomato score won’t be as insufferable.

3.) Inside Out 2

Release Date: June 14th

Box Office Projection: $750 Million

Reason: Disney has been in quite a slump as of late with their theatrically released films, especially in terms of animation. Despite all the flops released last year, Elemental had some staying power and made just enough to be guaranteed a profit, making that and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 the only Disney movies to NOT be considered a financial disappointment. And considering this is a sequel to one of the most beloved Pixar films in recent memory, Inside Out 2 will be able to do some of the best numbers with Disney Animation since 2019, especially if the reviews are stellar. The recent track record alone might prevent it from reaching the same success as the first one but if it delivers, Inside Out 2 should be able to be the most successful theatrically released Pixar film since Toy Story 4 and possibly even the most successful theatrically released Disney film overall since Frozen 2.

2.) Deadpool & Wolverine

Release Date: July 26th

Box Office Projection: $900 Million

Reason: Many folks have claimed this will be a guarantee billion dollar hit but I think everyone needs to come back to reality for a moment. After many big movies underperformed last year, including two MCU installments, we might need to pump the breaks on such bold claims. As much as Deadpool & Wolverine is one of the most anticipated movies of the year and will likely be one of the biggest movies of the summer, that’s won’t guarantee 7 digits as prior big Marvel movies did. The R-rating alone (A reminder that there has been only ONE film to ever make a billion dollars!) along with the inconsistent quality of recent Marvel movies/shows will likely prevent it from reaching that billion dollar mark, with audiences still needing more consistent quality Marvel flicks to be fully won back. The promise of seeing Huge Jackman as Wolverine once again in yellow spandex, the buddy-cop routine with him and Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool, and the absolute guarantee of multiple easter eggs, cameos, and fan service will make Deadpool & Wolverine one of the biggest movies of the summer almost certainly. When it comes to if it will be the first Marvel movie since Spider-Man: No Way Home to make a billion dollars, that more than remains to be seen in my eyes.

1.) Despicable Me 4

Release Date: July 3rd

Box Office Projection: $1.1 Billion

Reason: I don’t understand the appeal of these movies and I likely never will but one thing is certain though, this franchise certainly has an audience. Coming off a third entry that made a billion dollars and a second Minions movie that almost made a billion dollars, there is no reason to believe that Despicable Me 4 won’t be in that exact same territory in terms of box office success. Whether you like or hate them, Illumination Animation certainly knows how to get kids and families to theaters with their films and this will certainly be no exception. As I said before, the quality of any of these films is irrelevant and I highly doubt any kind of negative reviews will impact the box office results here. If I had to pick one big movie that is the saftest bet to make a billion dollars and be the highest grossing movie of the summer, it would be Despicable Me 4. I wish that was not the case but hey, there are plenty of folks out there that do. So, what do I now?

Other notes:

As for the other movies that got let off the list!

  • The Garfield Movie nearly came close to topping Furiosa the 10th spot but unless it’s able to make noise at Memorial Day, I can see this being shipped to digital really quickly. It might do enough for a profit but not Hotel Transylvania and Spider-Verse numbers.

  • Alien: Romulus looks like a return to traditional roots for the series in the form of Prey but it will likely have to pay for the sins of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant (Damn you, Ridley Scott!).

  • The Bikeriders seems fun but won’t leave much impact until it hits streaming service like it originally was suppose to.

  • Horizon: An American Saga could likely come and go depending on it’s quality.

  • And if the trailers for Borderlands is anything to go by, this will likely be one of the biggest bombs of the summer. Why, Eli Roth?! Just why?!