Why The St. Louis Blues Firing Craig Berube Will Backfire

After yet another tough loss on Tuesday against the Detroit Red Wings, the St. Louis Blues announced that they have fired their head coach Craig Berube, a man who has been the coach for them since 2018 and let the team to their first ever Stanley Cup championship in 2019. Hired to take his place in the meantime will be Drew Bannister, coach of the Springfield Thunderbirds, St. Louis’ AHL affiliate. General Manger Doug Armstrong has gone on record claiming that this is only a hire to fill in the gap for the time being and will be looking for a new head coach that will guide the Blues for the future.

In hindsight, you can see why the Blues were compelled to let the one man that was able to win a cup in St. Louis go. The Blues were coming off a massively underwhelming season last year and this year seems no different so far. Much like the previous year, there have been stretches were the team got red hot and looked like they could make a potential playoff push but that momentum would easily get killed when they cut back to reality and play like crap for a good portion of the season. The biggest reason for this is the inconsistency of the regular players, key injuries, and the addition of veteran players that have not gone as planned.

At the moment, St. Louis sits one point out of the last wild card spot in the Western Conference. The Blues are 26th in goals per game, 22nd in goals against per game, and land in an ABSYMAL 31st place in power play goals. They’ve been hurt by the lack of production of top players such as Jordan Kyrou and Torey Krug along with a lack of a reliable or consistent back up goaltender, forcing franchise star Jordan Binnington with more work than ever behind the net. Of course, losing key pieces of that 2019 cup core in recent years such as David Perron, Vladmir Traenskeo, and ESPECIALLY, Alex Pietrangalo has not helped any wonders either.

When it comes to Craig Berube, while he was undoubtedly the perfect man to lead the team to their Stanley Cup run in 2019, that presence he brought when he was hired as head coach back in 2018 has not seem to carry over five years later. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that Berube’s prior teams were more filled with older veteran and experience skaters that could handle the toughness which these newer core of players can not. Perhaps he’s just a coach that’s always in a “win now” mindset that he has no problem ripping into players in ways that younger hockey players can not handle which leads to worse results on the ice. Or perhaps that he has been given a roster that is just absolutely lackluster and is not meant to strive deep into another Stanley Cup run that those brief hot stretches are more of just quick blimps in the radar! Even if I can understand a reason or two, I along with many Blues fans strongly believe that this firing is going to backfire spectacularly.

I know the first thing someone will point out is how the last time the Blues fired their coach in Mike Yeo back in 2018 and brought in a new voice in Craig Berube, that ended up being the voice that the team needed to hear and that group would go on to become Stanley Cup champions later on down the road. However, these are MUCH different circumstances with this current Blues team. That 2018-2019 team was always a good team that just had a poor coach that couldn’t keep the team together. This 2023-2024 squad on the other hand is an example of a good head coach doing what he can to win with a team that simple is not qualify or build to win meaningful games. With how many holes this roster has in terms of sloppy play and constant poor response to adversity from game-to-game, I don’t see how a new coach is going to change that much.

Much of the blame involving the current state of the St. Louis Blues has to go back to General Manger Doug Armstrong, who has been in his role as GM since 2010. While he has plenty of success with the Blues in terms of the number of winning seasons, playoff appearances, and bringing home the franchise’s first every Stanley Cup, he has made quite a number of mistakes that has hurt the team since the 2020s rolled around. There was letting fan favorites and key core pieces of that 2019 squad walk such as Alex Pietrangelo, Vladmir Tarasenko, Ryan O’Reilly, and David Perron, there was the poor signings of the likes of Torey Krug, and there’s the incredibly poor play from young players such as Jordan Kyrou. There is also basically betting the farm of goaltender Jordan Binnington for their future, who has been quite inconsistent since his phenomenal 2019 rookie season. Needless to say, Armstrong has not handle this team very well since their Cup win.

Even going back to that Cup win in 2019, a big reminder that the team was HORRIBLE to start off the 2018-2019 campaign. They were literally in dead last place in the entire NHL by the time that New Years rolled around. It was only once Craig Berube was able to settle in nicely as the interm coach along with the call-up of breakout rookie star goaltender in Jordan Binnington that the Blues were able to take off completely and make their remarkable Cup push. Imagine if neither one or those two worked out and the Blues ended up having as underwhelming of a season that they have had for the past two seasons. Would Doug Armstrong have the reputation he has gained for being one of the better GMs in hockey or would he have likely been shown the doors by the time that season ended, struggling to find a new job somewhere else? Your guess is as good as mine but no doubt, it was Berube and Binnington that made Armstrong look much better in 2019 than he is looking right now.

Which honestly convinces me that this firing will completely backfire on the Blues. Even if the Blues finish in a much better place by the end of the year or are even able to squeak into the last Wild Card, that will not fix the roles that are currently present on this roster. It’s not strictly the coaching that has been a factor into the lackluster play of the Blues as of late, it’s quite simply the roster construction. You have an offense who can’t score a power play goal to save their lives, you have a defense that is as soft as glass and are made as hard as swift cheese, you have backup goaltenders that can’t finish their own games on nights that Binnington needs a rest, you have a group of overpaid veterans whose mind is only on how much money they are stealing from Tom Stillman’s wallet, and lastly, you have a group of young players who crumble when facing even the slightest bit of adversity. As much as Craig Berube has not been able to get much results this year, you can’t make lemonade without proper lemons. It’s only when the right tools at play where a great coach like Berube can do some proper fixing.

I don’t know what the future of the Blues hold but there is one thing that remains clear, Doug Armstrong MUST pick a proper direction for this team going forward. Either go all in and pursue more talent or tear it all down and start over from scratch. This “one foot in, one foot out” approach doesn’t work and will only constantly lead to inconsistent results because of the team’s refusal to evolve and Armstrong being so ego-filled. Even if I don’t approve of the firing of Berube, what’s done is done. I along with other Blues fans can only hope that he has finally woke up and realize that major changes have to be made.

The biggest change out of all them that must come is Doug Armstrong being removed as his place as General Manager. He’s had a good run but it’s clearly time for a fresh voice, with someone that has a proper direction of where to go from here on out and know how to handle a rebuilding/reloading process. Despite all the success that Armstrong has had with the Blues, he has dug quite a whole for himself and the team ever since their Stanley Cup victory. All of those signs and more indicate that he no longer has anything to offer to the St. Louis Blues and it’s time to pass that mantle onto someone else. I don’t know if owner Tom Stillman agrees but clearly Armstrong has to be filling some sort of pressure with the way things have played out as of late.

Regardless, the St. Louis Blues will be playing in their first game under interm coach Drew Bannister tonight against the Ottawa Senators. It’s only then we will see if this firing is the actual correct move and will turn around this massively inconsistent season that the Blues are having. Guess we will all have to wait and find out!

Even after, despite his abrupt firing, Craig Berube will always be a legend in St. Louis. He will always be remembered as the man who led this this franchise to their first ever Stanley Cup championship and there is NOTHING that can take anything away from that! I wish him the best of luck wherever he goes next! Wouldn’t be surprised if he has a new job by the time the New Years rolls around!

Thanks for everything, chief!

Thanks for allowing me to see the team that I rooted for my whole life win their first every Stanley Cup!