Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League (2024) Season 1 Review- The Game Is Saved!

At long last, the first season of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has FINALLY launched! I don’t know about everyone else but I was pumped out of my MIND for this update! After how AMAZING the main campaign was and the way it ended on a MASSIVE cliffhanger, I could not WAIT to jump back into Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League! After all, who WOULDN’T be excited when the overall gameplay was nothing but the exact same three missions over and over and over again and getting to face off against the Justice League with boss fights that were clearly not finished?!

Rest assured, Rocksteady has officially launched their latest update where you get to play as the Joker and all I can say is WOW! For any of those haters out there who likely were the same folks that were jerking off Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and are hyped for that obvious Overwatch rip-off, Marvel Rivals, perhaps to eat your words because Season 1 has without a doubt saved Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League and proves that Rocksteady and DC are still at the TOP of their game!

What makes this update so amazing you may ask? Well, it’s quite simple! It’s literally the exact same game all over again but with the Joker in it! And you don’t even get to play as him right out of the gate! Instead you have to work HARD by playing the exact same three to four missions over and over and over and over again! You play through these same missions until you upgraded all off your players at MAXIMUM level to beat the boss and THEN you get to play as the Joker!

Of course, you can do the cowardly thing and BUY your way to getting the Joker! (Wait, wasn’t this all suppose to be for free?!?!) However, for all the REAL gamers out there, you get to GRIND your way into getting the clown prince of crime!

There’s no extra story missions, no extra side missions, no new enemies, no new gameplay styles added in, there’s only one new cutscene with the Joker himself, and the Joker basically plays the exact same as all of the other characters but with a new umbrella move thing-y! I know that might sound underwhelming to closed minded DC haters out there but come on, after all this seasonal update is absolutely FREE until it isn’t so STOP COMPLAINING!

Not to mention, you get an animated comic intro with the Joker that feels like it was made by an intern at Rocksteady during their lunch break! Can you think of ANYTHING game out there that did that?!

I certainly had an absolute blast once again playing through all these exact same, repetitive missions! There’s the missions where you have to escort some random nobody to a particular rendezvous point, there’s the missions where you have to aid baby face Poison Ivy, there’s the missions where you have to play capture the flag and then destroy your flag, and then there’s the missions where you have to kill a bunch of enemies, you know the things you are ALREADY doing when you are roaming around Metropolis anyway!

We also can’t forget the elseworlds missions where you have to travel to another multiverse! And what do you do once you make to the elseworld you may ask?! Why, the EXACT SAME THREE TO FOUR MISSIONS YOU WERE ALREADY DOING IN METROPOLIS, OF COURSE?!?!?! However, before that you have to grind for enough points to play these same three to four missions by playing through these same three to four missions in Metropolis first BEFORE going to the elseworlds to play the same three to four missions! In a nutshell, this is a game you have to grind for points, tokens, and upgrades to play new elseworld levels so you can do more grinding! It’s a game where you have to grind for progression where you will have to more grinding for more progression! This is not lazy and incompetent on ANY LEVEL!

I should also mention the new Brainiac you fight here, which is the second of a total of 13 Brainiacs you will need to fight, assuming this game doesn’t get shut down by the end of summer! Despite the trailers for Season 1 suggesting the exact same boss as Superman in the main game, you instead get the EXACT SAME BOSS as Green Lantern in the main game! Exact same tactics, exact same ways to beat them, and the EXACT SAME RESULTS! This is not lazy and incompetent on ANY LEVEL! I sure can not WAIT until I get to the fight the exact same boss ELEVEN MORE TIMES!

After you free the Joker from Brainiac, you take him back to the Hall of Justice, he said some cringy lame puns in a more high pitched voice, and you put in the cell where he belongs! Not to mention, Harley Quinn doesn’t seem to care that a version of her pudding is still alive because well, she’s just over him now all of a sudden! Never mind the fact that she was the ultimate simp who would do ANYTHING for her Mr. J and was completely HEARTBROKEN over his death! She’s just over him now because…..she’s now a strong independent woman, I guess! I guess a good five to six years can REALLY change a person! Almost as if this game wasn’t meant to be in the Arkhamverse and was added in at the last minute to boost sales!

Also, The Riddler is still here because…………………..

Overall, I can NOT recommend Season 1 of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League enough! It takes everything that didn’t work about the original game and somehow makes them even worse! The missions are more of the same and even more repetitive, the grinding is increased ten fold, there’s no real story progression, each character still plays exactly the same, and you don’t even get to play as the Joker until the very end after you have already done all the busy work to get him! At least you get to see him going on that memory lane tour of the previous Batman: Arkham games, which only exists to remind you how good Rocksteady USED to be at making games!

Even so, that still doesn’t take away the fact that this latest update of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League is a MAJOR step in the right direction! With this game along with DC Universe Online still getting TREMENDOUS support 14 years later, DC is crushing Marvel in their video game department just like how they are in their movie department! No amount of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Midnight Suns, and Marvel Rivals can hold a candle to what Warner Bros Games is doing right now with their DC properties!

In my initial review, I said I would only talk about the season passes if I felt they were worth recommending! And considering the fact I came up with this piece, I can with confidence that it 100% absolutely IS and you should go play it ASAP! Nice job, Rocksteady! Keep up the good work! I will be among the first in line of two folks online that will ready and waiting for you next big update on Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League!

This update gets a five out of five star rating for me! Absolutely SPECTACULAR!

Take notes, Avengers! THIS is how you do a live-service superhero game!






































Nah, but seriously, this season was a GIANT waste of time and my patience with this game has officially expired!

This game now gets a two out of five stars for me! Great job, Rocksteady! Keep up the “good” work!

















Also, FYI, congrats to Jared Leto! You are no longer the worst Joker ever!