Top 10 Favorite Mario Games

Super Mario Bros. Wonder has been out for over a month and surprise surprise, everyone seems to be enjoying it! Because of that, why not celebrate the release of another fine Mario game by sharing my top 10 personal favorite Mario games?

I’ve always been a fan of Mario! When I was kid, the first every gaming system I got from my parents was the original Gameboy and the first game they got for me with it was Super Mario World. Even if I’m someone that prefers Sonic, Mario has no doubt been a top tier gaming franchise since the beginning and is what got me into gaming as a whole.

This was quite a tricky list to pull off just because of how there are SO many ridiculously good Mario games they are. I do want to make a disclaimer that this list will in fact include any game that Mario himself was attached to outside of Super Smash Bros. This list will not only refer to the main installment of the series but also spin-offs such as Mario Kart, Mario Party, Paper Mario, etc. I didn’t just want to do a ranking on strictly the main series of games or spin-offs, I wanted to list all of my favorite Mario-related games at once. Without further a do, let’s get into this list starting with the honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Mario Party 64

Spoiler alert: This is the only Mario Party game mentioned. This is just the one I remember having the most fun with friends and family. I never owned a Nintendo 64 myself but I do remember going to my aunt’s house who had one and would always play the Mario games she had with it. Nothing like having a blast playing this with everybody while laughing, screaming, and just having the best time imaginable. Just don’t play these games too much with your friends or else you’ll regret it! And I may or may not be speaking from experience.

  • Mario Kart 64

One of the more iconic Mario Kart games and an absolute fan favorite. This was the first kart game in the series to be fully 3D which allowed players to play as their favorite Mario characters in a 3D world. This introduces some of the very best tracks such as Rainbow Road and Bowser’s Castle and gives you that full sense of nostalgia whenever you play it. Not quite the best Mario Kart game in the series but it nevertheless, deserves a mention.

  • Paper Mario

The first installment in another successful spin-off in the franchise, Paper Mario acts as the plumber’s first jump into the world RPGs. With a great supporting cast, a creative battle system, and a ton of fun features added, this makes for a really strong start for one of the better RPG series out there. Some aspects of the game are dated and it’s not quite my favorite one but it’s still very good nonetheless.

  • Super Mario Maker 2

Since I never owned a Wii U and didn’t know anyone that had one, I never got to play the original Super Mario Maker. However since I do own a Switch, I got to play it’s sequel and it’s quite a blast. It’s quite awesome to be able to take custom courses from prior Mario games and make them something of your own. The only reason I don’t have this in the main top 10 is because I don’t see this as it’s own thing and prefer more wholly original Mario games. Nevertheless, it’s still worth playing through for anyone that has a Switch.

  • Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Hard to believe this game is turning 10 years old this year! I didn’t get to play this game until it came to the Switch in 2021. While this is not the best Mario game, you can certainly make the argument that it’s one of the more “fun” ones. This is the one that would introduce one of the most fun power-ups in all of Mario with the catsuit allowing you to climb walls and use a scratch attack. It’s also nice to have Princess Peach be a playable character this time around who joins Luigi and Toad to save the day and not just be a simply damsel in distress. The only thing holding it back is perhaps the level design being too easy and simplistic without not much challenge. Also, Bowser’s Fury is fine….just fine.

  • Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga

What this? Another successful RPG that happens to have Mario characters in it? You shouldn’t have! While it’s not quite the most well know Mario game out there, it’s definitely one that deserves your attention. The gameplay is fun, the dialogue is hilarious, the graphics are good for a Gameboy game, and the music is just fantastic. Not sure what more that needs to be said. If you can find a copy of it, go ahead and try it out.

  • Luigi Mansion’s Dark Moon

I’ve never played the original or even the third game but this game along with the series itself makes for a very intriguing one for Mario’s lovable younger brother, Luigi. There’s something so genius about creating a game where Luigi has to navigate through a haunted mansion and face his greatest fears, that being ghosts. A really entertaining action-adventure game all around that provides a very unique spin and giving Luigi the perfect spotlight to shine. I’ll be sure to play the other two games at some point.

  • Super Mario Strikers

One of the Mario games that I remember playing the most at my aunt’s (who also had a Gamecube) and friend’s. Sports games where you basically get to play by your own rules, logic, and having power-ups thrown into the mix is always among the most entertaining one. While Mario has certainly had other sporting games outside of Mario Kart, this is the one that has stuck with me the most. And, I’m just gonna say it, this is the game which I crushed hard on Peach and Daisy. If you’ve played the game, you probably know why.

  • Mario Kart DS

The Mario Kart game that basically made the blue turtle shell the bane of my existence is still one I have a lot of fond memories for it. Whether it’s playing on my own with racing tournaments and minigames or playing against my friends and cousins, there is not one Mario Kart I always enjoy playing through with a group of my pals or family members. Even if it’s not quite my favorite Mario Kart game and it won’t be until a few other games down the line that would be able to fully utilized the elements which this game help start, Mario Kart DS is still one of my favorite kart game in the series.

  • Super Mario Bros. 3/Super Mario Galaxy 2

Probably will be my biggest hot takes as I know these are two of the most beloved games in the franchise. I acknowledge them both as being two very good games that are perhaps a tad overrated, mostly because it retreads the same ground as it’s predecessors, not feeling as fresh as the originals, and at times feeling more like Super Mario Bros 2.5 and Super Mario Galaxy 1.5. These are still really enjoyable games but I do think it falls short when it came to pushing their perspective series forward and instead just put it in neutral. While that’s not enough to ruin either game, it is enough to prevent it from being on the top 10.

Now, here we go to the main top 10!

10.) Super Mario 3D Land

Being the one main Mario game made exclusively for the 3DS, Super Mario 3D Land still holds up strongly as being one of the more entertaining Mario titles. This entry brings the right amount of entertainment and challenge with his uniquely designed, bite-sized Mario levels and being loaded with intriguing content and extras.

It was also nice to have a game based off of a handheld system that was able to add in levels designed for 3D gameplay along with a handful of retro-style levels in 2.5D. The platforming shines, it looks great, the sound is a treat for the ears, and it’s able to be fairly challenging without you ever been frustrated of it due to poor game design.

While it has been surpassed as been the very best handheld Mario game, Super Mario 3D Land is one very fun and enjoyable title that should be a must-have for anyone with a Nintendo 3DS.

9.) Mario Kart Double Dash

This might be seen as the oddest entry on this list but I can’t help having completely fond memories of Mario Kart: Double Dash. One of the Mario Kart games that tend to get the most short shrift happens to be one of my favorite ones in the series.

The two-driver gimmicks was a genius idea and helped introduce a new layer of strategy as you switch between characters and juggle items, the courses themselves are greats, and the fully 3D models were able to translated very well for the first time. There’s just a certain way this game sticks out compare to the other kart games that just appeals to me for some reason.

I’m not gonna say it’s overflowing with new ideas but Mario Kart: Double Dash is an absolute gem that offers some of the best gameplay mechanics and strategies in the series. I can honestly see this one getting a cult following if it hasn’t already. If it has, then I can gladly say I’ve been on this game’s side since the very beginning! Rock on, Double Dash!

8.) New Super Mario Bros Wii

The Wii edition to the somewhat controversial New Super Mario Bros series is far in a way the best of these batch. While nostalgia might play a factor into that, it’s able to take best use of taking Mario levels and zones of old and remaking them to feeling something fresh.

With brand new power-ups and the introduction of co-op play, New Super Mario Bros Wii is able to provide new and exciting ways for players to enjoy the traditional style of 2D Mario games. While also including some of the best boss fights and music in the whole series, it makes for another colorful and fun adventure that will bring joy to anyone playing it.

It’s far from being the most original Mario game and maybe it could have benefitted from just being Super Mario Bros 4 or at least not having the word “New” from the title. Even so, this game is still a blast and because I’ve spend so much time playing this game with friends and family, I had to include it on the list.

7.) Paper Mario: A Thousand Year Door

While the original Paper Mario is certainly more iconic, there’s not a single game in this series that was able to execute it’s RPG formula in the best possibly way with The Thousand-Year Door. If you take everything that worked about the previous Paper Mario games, trimmed down the things that didn’t work, and add in a new, fresh elements to it, this is basically what you get.

It’s a lively, colorful adventure filled with exciting battle systems, fun gameplay, clever callbacks and references, and being able to stand well as it’s own unique thing in the series compared to Mario’s other platformers. From the story to the battles to the core gameplay to the core presentation, it’s able to get everything right about a Paper Mario adventure.

I don’t know how much of a hot take it will be to have this in the Top 10 and not the original Paper Mario but for those who disagree, sorry but The Thousand-Year Door is my definite Paper Mario game.

6.) Super Mario Wonder

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is another superb and quality Mario game, making for perhaps the plumber’s finest 2D outing since Super Mario World. It’s able to expand on it’s level design, worlds, and power ups further than any prior 2D Mario game while acting as one that can stand perfectly on it’s own two feet.

The levels are fast paced and fun, all characters are a delight to play as, the music is amazing, the graphics are beautiful, the new voice cast does a find job, and the Wonder Flower power-up stands out as one of the best and most unique power-ups in any Mario game. Even the difficulty spikes to certain levels/challenges along with the often repetitive level theme that constantly plays throughout isn’t enough to bring this game down in any way.

I don’t know why it took Nintendo this long to put out a new and fresh 2D Mario game or just a new Mario game in general but it was absolutely worth the wait. Now, just give me Super Mario Odyssey 2 and I can fully die happy! Even I can’t live to see that, I can at least say I had Super Mario Bros. Wonder which will make me die not only happy but trippy!

5.) Super Mario World

The very first Mario game I ever played was bound to make this list one way or the other but I strongly believe Super Mario World represents the very best of Mario in 2D. As someone who respects the old 2D Mario games than he truly loves them, this is the one exception where I feel it’s reputation perfectly matches it’s quality.

The gameplay is fast and tight with plenty of thrills and difficulties that greatly rewards speed runners for superb memorization. It’s able to build upon the framework that Super Mario Bros. 3 did and expanded upon it and made it arguably even better than before. The overworld map is much bigger with more power-ups to unlock and challenges to try out, each level contains multiple different paths and exits that always enhances replay value, every single secret/reveal/place/level/world is always interesting to explore, and it has my boy Yoshi to go along with it.

While I still mostly prefer Mario in 3D has that allows for more freedom and expansion with each game, Super Mario World shows 2D Mario at his absolute best. No matter which version you play, you will always be in for quite a ride. Thank you Super Mario World for not just getting me into Mario but getting me into gaming in general.

4.) Super Mario 64

When it comes to the Mario game that had the biggest impact on 3D platformers, very little would argue that Super Mario 64 is what helped set the golden standard of exactly that. Being the very first Mario game to be fully 3D, everything about Mario 64 just screams fun, adventure, excitement, and nostalgia.

I’ve played multiple versions of this game and every one of them provided me with the exact same experience. The level design is top notch, the environments are perfectly translated into 3D, the controls, while at times stiff, does feel about as good as it could be for one of the very first 3D platforming games, the hub worlds are addicting and fun to explore, and the soundtrack is so beautiful that it’ll make you want to cry.

While there are certain elements of the game that are dated such as the graphics, character models, and wonky camera, I don’t think Nintendo could have made a better start to Mario in the 3D world if they tried. Even to this day, I still have the theme of Princess Peach’s castle living rent free in my head.

3.) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

If you wanna see a kart racer that is able to offer just about everything with immense satisfaction, this is how to do it. While the original Mario Kart 8 released on the Wii U in 2014, it was eventually able to get a remastered version on the Switch which many would argue makes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the definite version of Mario Kart 8 but the very best Mario Kart game to date!

From the breathtaking advanced graphics to the fantastic track design to the rose gallery of nearly every notable Mario character ever, it’s able to give you anything you could ever want in a Mario Kart game and so much more. It doesn’t matter if you are playing single player or multiplayer, offline or online, race mode or battle mode, the main game or the DLC, there is not a single instance where the game is a chore to play.

Not only is this far in a way the best Mario Kart game but there’s even an argument of this being one of the best kart racing games out there. It’s able to take everything fans have loved about the previous Mario Kart games and is able to add in plenty of old and new elements to make this basically the top-tier Mario Kart experience. I can not recommend this game enough to anyone who is a Mario fan or a fan of good racing games.

2.) Super Mario Galaxy

If you want the Mario game that shows when the series became at it’s very best in terms of the sheer amount of scope, wonder and creativity, that would be Super Mario Galaxy. For the longest of time this was my favorite Mario game and the fact this is only number two on the list should not discredit the fact that this is a truly fantastic game.

Taking the direction of levels from worlds to galaxies was a brilliant movie, with tons of planets and open space for you to explore in. Each area of each galaxy you visits offers plenty of enjoyable challenges that help pushed the limits of what the Wii hardware could possibly do. It’s the kind of game that even after you beat the main story, you will wanna go back to 100% the whole thing and feel truly rewarded by the end. Throw in a beautiful orchestral soundtrack, impressive visuals that looks great even for the Wii, and the introduction of instant fan-favorite Rosalina, you got a geninuely terrific Super Mario experience.

While some might argue that Super Mario Galaxy 2 did this style of gameplay better, I still believe the original is the superior game as it felt more fresh, creative, and helped set the brilliant foundation for 3D Mario games going forward. I can not praise this game enough!

1.) Super Mario Odyssey

I’m probably gonna have some online buddies that are gonna fundamentally disagree with me on nearly every single level here but Super Mario Odyssey is to date my favorite Mario game! When it comes to that one Mario game that not only hits every single beat that I want it too but it does all with an absolute exclamation point, I can’t think of any Mario game that does that better than Odyssey.

This works greatly as not just the perfect culmination of everything the Mario franchise has built to up to this point but it evens works as a near perfect game that stands greatly on it’s own. The level design, whether it’s familiar or original, is superb in every sense of the world, the gameplay despite introducing so many elements at the same time all blend together beautifully without ever feeling disjointed or loose, the new worlds that are introduce is able to translate greatly to Mario and the characters, the new hat mechanic works like wonders, the boss fights absolute triumph, it’s gorgeous to look at, the soundtrack is one of the catchiest I’ve ever listen to, the story is one of the better ones in the series, and it has some of the best replay value out of any game I’ve ever played. It also has one of the funniest endings to a game I’ve played in recent memory. Seriously, if you did not at least chuckle at the end, you have no sense of humor!

I have wondered why Nintendo hasn’t bother to releasing a new and original Mario game since this one came out but I know believe because of the bar this game set that will be quite hard to top for the future. While I still look forward to anything Mario related in the future, I’m not sure how they will be able to top this one. Super Mario Odyssey is able to deliver every single Mario good you can possibly imagine and something even more. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna jam to Jump Up, Super Star!

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