Top 10 Best Superhero Games

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has finally arrived to owners of PlayStation 5 all over the world! Because of that, I want to celebrate the release by going over what I consider to be the top 10 best superhero games of all time.

For as much as licensed games have gotten a bad reputation, I would argue that most of them tend to shine the best in superhero form. These always seems to be the kind of license games that has the most work and effort put into it. Not every one of them is a winner of course but there is plenty to love when it comes to superhero games when they are done right. Since Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a superhero game that seems to get it all right from the majority that have played it so far, let’s see how that game along with others are ranked among the very best superhero games!

One disclaimer, I decided to make it a rule to where I will only choose up to THREE games that stars the same character. That’s not to say if that same character is playable in another game that I won’t include it but I will go no further than three games that has that one character front and center. Now that’s out of the way, let’s start off with some honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Spider-Man: Miles Morales

While I don’t think Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is quite as good as it’s predecessor or successor, it still is able to succeed on it’s own merits by being an fun and compelling adventure for it’s own title character, proving he is more than worthy of being his own Spider-Man. If the length wasn’t so brief and the main antagonist was fleshed out more, this might have made it’s way to the main top 10. Even so, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a great game and another worthy addition to what is perhaps the best Spider-Man medium out there.

  • X-Men: Origins Wolverine (Uncaged Edition)

Yes, X-Men: Origins Wolverine the MOVIE that came out in 2009 was terrible without a shadow of the doubt. However, X-Men Origins Wolverine the GAME was actually pretty damn good. It features some of the absolute best and bloodiest Wolverine action in video game history with such a “I don’t give a F” mindset that you can help but admire how ridiculously over-the-top it is. You can criticize the weak story and the feeling of repetitiveness throughout but if you sit back, relax, and don’t take so seriously, there’s plenty of fun to be had here. Wolverine literally takes down a chopper with his bare claws!

  • Lego Marvel Superheroes

If there is at least one Lego superhero game to choose from, look no further than Lego Marvel Superheroes. It’s a big and super enjoyable adventure full of spoofs, laughs, and a window into some of the best Marvel comic stories that can be enjoyed by anyone of any age. With a roster of over 100 superheroes to choose from along with local and online co-op, Lego Marvel Superheroes are these Lego games at their absolute best.

  • Ultimate Spider-Man

After delivering what was, at the time, the king of Spider-Man games with Spider-Man 2, Treyarch was able to follow that up with yet another great Spider-Man game just one year later with 2005’s Ultimate Spider-Man. Based off the rebooted comic series of the same name, this sees the relationship of Peter Parker and Eddie Brock at it’s most personal as the two were once great best friends. Even with it’s admittedly dated graphics and voice work, there’s still a lot to love about Ultimate Spider-Man. The gameplay and story is some of the very best in all of the games and the addition of Venom is just the perfect icing on the cake. This game truly feels like well. the Ultimate Spider-Man game (Pun entirely intended!).

  • Batman: Arkham Knight

Do I think Arkham Knight is as good as Asylum or City? Not quite but I do feel there are plenty of instances where it comes pretty darn close. Had it perhaps tone down on the Batmobile and maybe handle the Arkham Knight a bit differently, it might have been on par if not better than those too. Even so, I strongly believe the positives of Arkham Knight far out way the negatives and it’s able to end the Rocksteady run of Batman on a strong note.

Now, here’s the main top ten!

10.) Deadpool

The critics were harsh on this one when it came out. While many praised the fourth-wall breaking humor and the meta-filled plot, major criticisms was filled at the gameplay being too dull and repetitive, being compared unfavorably to the Batman: Arkham series. However, speaking as someone who is a big fan of the character, I found Deadpool to be every bit as fun as the Batman: Arkham games. Yes, the gameplay itself is simple and straight forward but it never grew that tiring to me because of how fun and creative the combat was along with containing plenty of amusing quips and laughs throughout that really pulls it through. Nolan North is perfect as the character of Deadpool and I enjoyed all the callbacks, Easter eggs, and references to all the other Marvel properties. It’s not high art by any means but for those who are in need of a good Deadpool fix, this game should do you nicely.

9.) Spider-Man 2

If you wanna talk about a movie game that’s able to meet the quality of the feature film it’s based on, look no further than Spider-Man 2. While the first movie game was pretty good, this one was able to blow that game out of the water. You have controls that feel smoother, combat that is more inventive, inclusion of other main villains not from the movies that is more organic, web swinging that is more satisfying, and even an actual open world for Spider-Man to play around in this time. And even more amusing quips from Bruce Campbell and Tobey Maguire than ever before. I could nitpick certain aspects of the side missions and story (Like why does Doc Ock blame Spider-Man for his wife’s death? There’s like no reason for him to do so!) but Spider-Man 2 just gets it all right. Much like the movie it’s based on, it takes everything that didn’t work about the original and not only improves it but expands upon it in very satisfying ways. Even if it’s not quite the best Spider-Man game anymore, it might just be the most important one made.

8.) Infamous: Second Son

This is the only one on the list to be based off of any DC or Marvel property. However, Infamous: Second Son still remains one of the more unique superhero games out there because it seems to understand why superheroes and games involving them can work. We see main protagonist Delsin Row growing and developing to being a super powerful being of his own in a open world adventure that’s delightfully big and free to explore. The visuals are stunning, the powerset is super fun to build up, it has a nice sense of speed and levitation, and Delsin Row himself is an engaging protagonist to follow. It may not be a household name on par with Spider-Man or Batman but Infamous: Second Son is definitely worth playing for those that like a good superhero game.

7.) Guardians of the Galaxy

The second time was the charm when it came to Square Enix’s run on Marvel games with 2021 release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. This is just a great action game with a very strong storyline and every member of the Guardians team getting their moment to shine. Just like the GotG films itself, it succeeds due to having it’s own uniqueness, charm, and lovable cast of characters. And an absolute killer soundtrack filled with plenty of beloved pop culture hits doesn’t hurt either. It’s only a shame that this game didn’t get much attention due to the incredibly mediocre Marvel’s Avengers game that came out a year prior. If the quality of that game prevented you from checking this out, fix that mistake entirely because Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is one kick-ass ride that you should not miss out on.

6.) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

Talk about a Marvel crossover in a video game unlike any other! Back in 2011, Capcom reached the pinnacle of superhero fighting games with Marvel vs Capcom 3. It’s ultimate expansion improved the experience from prior games by expanding the roster of well-known Marvel characters, reworking and redefining the gameplay, and providing a fighting game unlike any other. This is certainly a must-own for those that love fighting games, superhero games, or any of the games involving your favorite Marvel or Capcom characters. I would say this is the very best superhero fighting game ever made but there was just one more that surprassed it.

5.) Injustice 2

As impressive as Marvel vs Capcom 3 was, it still couldn’t quite trump Injustice 2 as being the very best superhero fighting game. As solid as the original 2013 game Gods Among Us was, this sequel manages to be even better. With even more improvements made to the combat and formulas, a dark and bleak story mode, the addition of even more characters, including NetherRealm from Mortal Kombat X, this is about as good as a fighting game to get. That’s not even mentioning the addition of the gear-customization system, daily life events, and better fighting mechanics. By being able to deliver everything that people liked about the original game and much more, Injustice 2 is about as good as games get.

4.) Marvel’s Spider-Man

Marvel’s Spider-Man is more than deserving of being as loved and celebrated as it was back in 2018. It’s able to take the kind of Spider-Man gameplay that has been a template from past Spider-Man games while modifying and perfecting it in every way, giving you the most perfect feeling Spidey experience you can possibly imagine. While I definitely could have done without the MJ/Miles sections, almost everything else is done so well that it doesn’t even come close to bringing down the rest of the game. The web swinging is fun, the combat is a blast, the story is engaging, the characters are well-defined and characterized, the sound is stellar, and it’s able to feel like a complete Spider-Man package in a way that no other Spider-Man game has yet. It’s very rare for a game to come out that feels like it gives you your complete money’s worth, one that you can just pick up and play almost instantly and overall, just puts you in a good mood every time you play it. Marvel’s Spider-Man is able to do all of that and even more.

3.) Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum is ever bit as awesome as I remember it being in 2009. While the boss fights are still rather weak and I don’t fully buy Joker’s “let’s create an army of Banes” master plan, nearly everything else is done rather flawlessly that it’s hard to let those minor gripes bring down the entire game. The combat is absolutely fun with plenty of inventive ways to beat your opponents, the gadgets always come in handy, the detective aspects add a ton to the experience and character of Batman, the entire Arkham island itself is cool to explore, the unlockables are so eager to collect, the voice acting is incredibly stellar, and there’s never a second which you don’t feel like you are in control of The Dark Knight himself.  If 2008 showed how good superhero films can get with The Dark Knight, then 2009 showed how good superhero games can get with Batman: Arkham Asylum!

2.) Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is as every bit as good as you were expecting and hoping for it to be. This is Insomniac Games reaching a new level of peak, being able to achieve the kind of greatness they have come so close within reach but now have finally got it. The story is more engaging and worth following, the gameplay is as polished and perfect as ever, the combat and web swinging has never been more satisfying, the graphics have never been more of a treat to the eyes, the soundtrack is a new definition of peak, and the voice work is some of the best performed in any video game. Whether it’s the very best superhero game of all time is still up for debate (At the moment, I will rate it #2!) but no doubt, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will satisfy fans that have been waiting five years with eagerness to see the follow-up to the 2018 hit. With Insomniac Games finally reaching their Magnum Opus status, they have gain my complete trust for what they do in the future!

1.) Batman: Arkham City

I don’t think Rocksteady could have followed up Arkham Asylum any better than they did here. Batman: Arkham City is about as good of a video game sequel as one could get. Not just as a superhero or licensed game but basically any game in general. It takes everything you loved about Asylum, tweaks some of the things that didn’t work about it, adds in some new elements, and is able to offer a much grander and wider open world where you truly feel like the Batman and Catwoman. This is the perfect sequel to Arkham Asylum and quite honestly one of the most perfect video games I’ve ever played. NOT a flawless game, mind you, but when it comes to the ambition this game has in terms of it’s story and gameplay, it’s basically perfectly executed. This is still one of the most celebrated video games of the last decade or so and it deserves every bit of it. Even if this is where the franchise and superhero games in general peaked, at least it peaked laughing and with a smile on it’s face.

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