The Martin Scorsese/Comic Book Movie Discourse Is Dumb

Not even one day after the good news came out that the writers’ strike was over that there couldn’t be some peace when it comes to discourse surrounding Hollywood. Even if that discourse is very dumb, blown out of proportion, and should have been made no big deal of whatsoever. However, since we know live in an age where social media is filled with nothing but clickbait quotes from articles solely design to trigger people who never even bother reading articles themselves, that just can’t happen. The case this time is with the discourse surrounding the thoughts from legendary director Martin Scorsese about the state of Hollywood blockbusters, most notably films based off of superheroes and comic books.

Back in 2019, during his press tour for his latest film The Irishman, Scorsese went into length about his thoughts surrounding Marvel movies and basically comic book movies in general. During an interview with Empire magazine, he compared films from the MCU to that of theme park rides with claims that’s not what he views as true cinema. If you want to see his full quote, here’s a pic of it right below!

Those comments were, of course, a cause of massive debate among fans and haters of Marvel and superhero movies along with sparking backlash from Marvel creatives and executives. When responding to that about a month later, Scorsese had this to say.

“I was asked a question about Marvel movies. I answered it. I said that I’ve tried to watch a few of them and that they’re not for me, that they seem to me to be closer to theme parks than they are to movies as I’ve known and loved them throughout my life, and that in the end, I don’t think they’re cinema. Some people seem to have seized on the last part of my answer as insulting, or as evidence of hatred for Marvel on my part. If anyone is intent on characterizing my words in that light, there’s nothing I can do to stand in the way.

“Many of the elements that define cinema as I know it are there in Marvel pictures. What’s not there is revelation, mystery or genuine emotional danger. Nothing is at risk. The pictures are made to satisfy a specific set of demands, and they are designed as variations on a finite number of themes.”

To put it simply! The man tried giving Marvel movies a chance, they didn’t work for them, and it’s not what he would describe as being cinema in his book. That’s basically it! He didn’t call out on any particular Marvel film or director or actor or whoever. He was just asked about someone of his overall opinions of these subgenre of films and he gave that person his answer. With the way certain folks blew his quotes out of proportions, you would think he went on Twitter and sent hate tweets to James Gunn or something to tell him how he ruined cinema!

And here we are again about four years later! As Scorsese approaches the release of his next feature film, Killer of the Flower Moon, the can of worms have opened once again. In an interview with GQ, he went in great discussions of what basically remains the final chapter of his life as a filmmaker, where he claims he now has to figure out who the hell he is. However, there is a part where he was asked about the current state of blockbusters. He responded by claiming that their omnipresence could be negative to audiences who aren’t well-versed in other types of film.

“The danger there is what it’s doing to our culture,” he said. “Because there are going to be generations now that think movies are only those — that’s what movies are.”

“They already think that,” he said. “Which means that we have to then fight back stronger. And it’s got to come from the grassroots level. It’s gotta come from the filmmakers themselves. And you’ll have, you know, the Safdie brothers, and you’ll have Chris Nolan, you know what I mean? And hit ’em from all sides. Hit ’em from all sides, and don’t give up. Let’s see what you got. Go out there and do it. Go reinvent. Don’t complain about it. But it’s true, because we’ve got to save cinema.”

The director also spoke about the streaming-era definition of content, as opposed to actual cinema.

“I do think that the manufactured content isn’t really cinema,” he said, adding, “It’s almost like AI making a film. And that doesn’t mean that you don’t have incredible directors and special effects people doing beautiful artwork. But what does it mean? What do these films, what will it give you? Aside from a kind of consummation of something and then eliminating it from your mind, your whole body, you know? So what is it giving you?”

Once again, it’s Scorsese voicing his displeasure of the current state of cinema and believe it’s up to the most well-known directors out there such as Christopher Nolan to provide quality entertainment that could be described as his true version of cinema. So, what exactly is the outrage this time over Scorsese’s comments on superhero films? Well, that’s because, for whatever reason, Variety posted in the title of Scorsese’s quote from the interview, it stated that he was calling for directors to fight back against “comic book movie culture”. Despite not once mentioning a comic book movie this time and focusing strictly on modern blockbusters in general, Variety felt the need to throw that word in there just because.

Never mind the fact that there was NOTHING in his quotes that took another shot at superhero films. Never mind the fact that this interview was strictly about Martin’s final chapter of his career as a filmmaker and how he plans to end it before he dies. Never mind the fact that all the man wants is quality entertainment for everyone. All of that has gotten pushed to the side because of yet another quote from the man that was not only taken out of context but flat out MISLEADING!

This, right here, ladies and gentlemen is EVERYTHING that is wrong with modern journalism. These are the kind of pieces that are written not to give a good inside into the mind of one of the most successful filmmakers currently working today but more just to take out of context quotes and use them as clickbait. Just using the most controversial quotes that they can use just to get enough people to click on the article and hope enough people turn off ad blocks to drive up the revenue. It’s no longer about honesty, it’s entirely agenda based.

Even if Scorsese really have as much scorn for superhero flicks as the media is trying to claim he does, who cares? Why in the world would a man who is now 80 years old be salivating over comic book heroes like Iron Man and Ant-Man when he has plenty of other things on his mind at his old age? I’m sure he would rather focus on the kind of films that he loves rather than what this current generation of millennials look forward to at the theaters. Heck, I’m willing to bet he didn’t give his quotes a second thought until everyone on the internet responded to it. I’m sure the man would just rather move on and focus on things he loves rather than things he doesn’t care for.

Not to mention, the man is just responding to questions that INTERVIEWERS ARE ASKING HIM! It’s not like he’s going on Twitter to voice his displeasure for superhero films or whatever. He’s just giving a response to those that keep asking him about that. If you have a problem with that, then maybe go after the interviewers that keep asking him these dumb questions instead of going after the guy that is just giving the answers that the interviewers are asking for. Keep that in mind, next time!

I love Martin Scorsese and I love Marvel movies but this discourse has gotten completely tiresome the moment it began in 2019! Scorsese is just not the guy I see getting into these kind of films because there’s nothing in his filmography that would indicate that. But, that’s okay! At the end of the day, opinions are like a-holes, everybody has one! I wish more people would consider that thought!

Here’s some links of articles that goes further into this discourse:

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