Top 15 Games Of 2013

This year, it will be a full decade since 2013. Yes, you read that correctly. Because of the fact that we live in a time where time seems to fly faster than even the Flash himself, it has been ten years since 2013. I’m as baffled about that fact as you are but the truth is the truth. Of all the things that I look back on about the year 2013, the main thing that really stands out for me was how great of a year it was in terms of video games. No matter what your favorite genre or series of games are, there was a good chance you were satisfied with what you got from them in 2013 (unless you’re a Pac-Man or Sonic fan).

I honestly believe there’s a strong argument to be made that 2013 was perhaps the best year of gaming of the 21st century thus far. There was way too many bangers released at the same time that it was so hard to chose which ones to play at the time they came out and which ones to hold off of until the hype had died down. I can’t imagine how hard it must’ve been for gamers everywhere to make a top 10 list of their favorite games that year. As we look back on gaming in 2013, I want to celebrate by naming my top 15 favorite games that came out in that exact year.

I do want to make a couple of disclaimers. Firstly, I never did own a PlayStation 3 or a Wii U. So any game that was made exclusively from those consoles and never got ported anywhere else will NOT be on this list. Secondly, this lists ONLY include games that I’ve actually played. So, don’t expect to see games such as DmC: Devil May Cry, The Stanley Parable, The Wolf Among Us, and Pikmin 3 on this list. Gaming is expensive and I only purchase games that I’m actually interested in playing and believe will give me my full money’s worth. Thirdly, as is with any list I post on here, this is strictly my opinion. I shouldn’t have to say that but since this is the internet, I think you know why I should mention that.

Anyways, now onto the main list.

15.) Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins gets a bad rep. Whether it’s due to not matching up to the quality of the Rocksteady games or the misleading marketing of it, this is considered to be the black sheep of the series. However, when you actually look at the game for what it is and not strictly for what it isn’t, there’s plenty to like here. The gameplay is still fluid and fun, seeing Bruce Wayne in his younger, more reckless stage as Batman is engaging, and it hands down has the best boss fights in the entire Arkham franchise. You can definitely argue that this is a “filler” game but as “filler” games go, this is about as good as these kind of games can get.

14.) Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag

I’m not the biggest Assassin’s Creed person out there but I would be foolish to ignore how enjoyable Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is. The open worlds are gorgeous and fun to explore, there’s plenty of content and side missions to keep you distract while completing the main course, and I can’t recall a game in recent memory that gave you the most satisfying experience as being a pirate. Only a forgettable story and too many tailing missions prevent this from being even higher on the list. Even if you are not a fan of Assassin’s Creed, I would say give this a shot because it’s one of the better entries in the series.

13.) Injustice: Gods Among Us

What did you get when you basically have DC’s answer to Marvel vs Capcom and Mortal Kombat, you get Injustice: Gods Among Us. This is a fighting game that can basically appeal to anyone, whether it’s hardcore gamers, casual gamers, or die hard comic book/superhero fans. You get access to anyone of your favorite superheroes throughout DC Comic’s history and pit them all against each other. Throw in a compelling story of Superman losing his powers and going full dictator with an impressive rose gallery of any notable DC hero or villain, Injustice: Gods Among Us is able to deliver exactly the kind of fighting game that it sets itself out to be with nothing convincing you that you won’t get your full money’s worth out of it.

12.) Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon

I’ve never played the original or even the third game but this game along with the series itself makes for a very intriguing one for Mario’s lovable younger brother, Luigi. There’s something so genius about creating a game where Luigi has to navigate through a haunted mansion and face his greatest fears, that being ghosts. Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon makes for one really entertaining action-adventure game all around that provides a very unique spin to the Mario franchise and giving Luigi the perfect spotlight to shine.

11.) Rayman Legends

For those looking for a good and well-made platformer that is able to be challenging and frustrating in the best of ways, look no further than Rayman Legends. This has the looks, feels, and creativity of an very effective platformer that will always kick your ass but you will always feel eager to play through it until you beat it regardless. With a bunch of surprises thrown in, beautifully colored background, fair difficulty spikes, and overall fantastic level design, Rayman Legends is about as good as 2D platformers can get and in some respects, is even better than that.

10.) Super Mario 3D World

I didn’t get to play this game until it came to the Switch in 2021. While this is not the best Mario game ever made, Super Mario 3D World is easily one of the more “fun” ones. This is the one Mario game that would introduce one of the most satisfying power-ups in the series with the catsuit allowing you to climb walls and use a scratch attack. It’s also nice to have Princess Peach be a playable character this time around who joins Luigi and Toad to save the day and not just be a simply damsel in distress once again. Yes, it’s certainly not the hardest game ever made but for those that just want to kick back and relax with a straightforward Mario game, this will definitely do the job for you.

9.) The Last of Us

It’s certainly a hot take to have this one rated this low on the list. I imagine everyone and their mother and their grandmother has this in their top 3 at least. From the engaging narrative to the air tight gameplay to the groundbreaking graphics to the impressive sound/voice work, there’s a lot to love about The Last of Us. What holds it back for me is how there are times throughout the game where it feels like it’s trying to be more of a movie or tv series than an actual game (which is ironic considering this would eventually be adapted to a tv series). I’m also not a fan of the completely abrupted ending and the clickers are the most annoying enemy in any video game I’ve ever played. Still, from a technical, narrative, and even gameplay standpoint, The Last of Us is immensely impressive but it’s just not a game that I go back to a lot. It’s an experience that feels very one and done for me but it’s no doubt an experience that is worth experiencing.

8.) Deadpool

The critics were harsh on this one when it came out. While many praised the fourth-wall breaking humor and the meta-filled plot, major criticisms was filled at the gameplay being too dull and repetitive, being compared unfavorably to the Batman: Arkham series. However, speaking as someone who is a big fan of the character, I found Deadpool to be every bit as fun as the Batman: Arkham games. Yes, the gameplay itself is simple and straight forward but it never grew that tiring to me because of how fun and creative the combat was along with containing plenty of amusing quips and laughs throughout that really pulls it through. Nolan North is perfect as the character of Deadpool and I enjoyed all the callbacks, Easter eggs, and references to all the other Marvel properties. It’s not high art by any means but for those who are in need of a good Deadpool fix, this game should do you nicely.

7.) Pokémon X/Y

The ultimate Pokémon game for the 3DS is no other than Pokémon X and Y! It’s able to make use of the 3DS feature completely by added in new gimmicks and features that never hinder the experience. There hasn’t been a Pokémon game quite like that is able to find the right balance of all these different elements into something grand and making it a cohesive whole. It’s able to bring in the things that fans of the previous games have loved about the franchise while also adding in new elements that will appeal to newcomers. When comparing X and Y to the rest of the games in the series, it makes for one of the most consistent and socially-connected Pokémon adventures yet!

6.) Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

And while we are talking about games that’s pure unapologetic, over-the-top fun, how about Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, a game that takes the obscurity of Metal Gear and cranks it up to 11. Whether you are looking at this game as a slashing action-packed adventure or even as the game’s overall story about modern politics that unironically predicted the future of America ahead of time (And I’m not just saying that because there’s a character that literally utters the line, “I’ll make America GREAT AGAIN!”), there is something in here for any kind of hardcore gamer. Add in a really rocking soundtrack, fun boss fights, and all the hashing and slashing imaginable, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance makes for one entertaining adventure in the Metal Gear canon. Yes, Solid Snake is not present this time around but that does not ruin the game whatsoever and shows this series can have an identity without him.

5.) Grand Theft Auto V

I know this game has been overexposed and re-released as much as about any video game ever has. However, if you can close your eyes and imagine yourself back to 2013 when this game came out, then you have a Grand Theft Auto game that is the absolute complete package. Whether you are playing the main campaign, going through online modes, or even messing around and causing chaos just for the sake of getting the police force up your ass, there’s nothing here that won’t keep you entertained whenever you are playing it. This is a game that basically lets you do whatever you want and there is nothing stopping you from trying out whatever you like. Has the hype and success around this game along with Rocksteady continuing to remaster it over and over again diminished the reputation of it a bit? Absolutely! But when looking back on it without the hate-filled glasses on, Grand Theft Auto V is no doubt a game that is a must-own for any gamer to add to their collection.

4.) The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

We all love a good Zelda game but for me, the best kind of Zelda games are ones that feel the most relaxing and comforting to play. Before Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom perfected that relaxing and comfort level for me, A Link Between Worlds was able to accomplish that with great wonders. Taking the familiar overworld of A Link to the Past and able to reimagine it greatly for the 3DS, this is one of the most pure fun games in the series and possibly the best experience that Link has ever had in 2D form. Add some impressive 3D visuals, highly entertaining puzzles, a new, revised item-collection system that adds to the gameplay experience, and a terrific open world to explore, you got one of the best Zelda game of all time with A Link Between Worlds.

3.) Tomb Raider (2013)

Talk about how to a serious reboot of a series right! While undoubtedly taking a page from the Uncharted, the modern update of Tomb Raider is able to embrace everything that fans have loved about the character of Lara Croft over the years while also being able to stand by itself perfectly as it’s own unique thing. The graphics are breathtaking, the gameplay contains the perfect mix of combat, platforming, and exploring, the set pieces are terrific and never make you forget you are playing a video game, the voice acting all around, especially with Camilla Ludington as Lara Croft herself, is outstanding, and Lara herself has never been a more compelling and engaging character than she has ever had. While I can flip a coin as to whether this or it’s sequel Rise of the Tomb Raider is the better game, Tomb Raider (2013) is no doubt one of the best gaming reboots to date and one of my personal favorite action-adventure games.

2.) Fire Emblem Awakening

There was not a single game in 2013 that I put in more time and hours in than Fire Emblem: Awakening. This is easily one of the most addictive RPG games that I’ve ever played and possibly even my favorite game on the 3DS. Whereas most games of this genre tend to get bogged down in insane difficulty spikes, dull-looking maps, and muted graphics, Awakening is able to be much more welcoming to those not familiar with the genre and also be more rewarding at the same time. The story itself is engaging, the character themselves are compelling, the lore and world building is intriguing, each power-up, level-up, and weapon upgrade of each character you control is addicting, and by the end, the whole experience is immensely satisfying. Whether you are a newcomer to the series or not, this is a huge recommendation for those that own a 3DS.

1.) Bioshock Infinite

When it came to games released in 2013 that surprised me, entertained me, impressive me, and kept me engaged the whole way through with no notable flaws to be had, I can’t think of a game that hit those bullet points to me as hard as Bioshock Infinite. This game gives you everything you can possibly ask for when it comes to a first-person shooter. The shooting gameplay itself is immensely fun that never wears out it’s welcome, there’s so many unique weapons to choose from that always adds to the experience, the graphics are out of this world, the art design is perfect and matches the Bioshock world completely, the storytelling is some of the best in any video game I’ve played, the mature themes the game provides still resonates with me a full decade later, the voice and sound work is absolutely superb, and Booker and Elizabeth has to be one of the most engaging pairing in not just video games but in any work of fiction that I’ve ever seen. Call of this high praise hyperbole if you want but there was not a game in 2013 that satisfied me more than Bioshock Infinite. I’ve already beating this game five times before and I would be more than welcome to do it all over again. Bioshock Infinite is not only my favorite game of 2013, it’s one of my favorite FPS games to date and one of my personal favorite games period. I can not praise this game enough!

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