Ranking The John Wick Franchise

John Wick: Chapter 4 is now out in theaters! It’s killing it at the box office and everyone seems to be loving it! This just seems to be a franchise that knows exactly what it’s audience wants and is able to deliver the action goods that they crave every single time. While we have yet to see what will come next after this glorious installment aside from the Ballerina spin-off with Ana De Armas which is expect to come out next year, we still have four very well-made and quality motion pictures to fall back on in the meantime. Just like I do when most movie franchises out there delivers a new entry, it’s time to rank them all from worst to best.

To be honest, choosing between these four movies is like picking your favorite child. You hold them all dearly and always make sure to make room for every single one of them that it’s hard to chose which one you like the most or least. This is one of the few franchises out there that no matter what someone’s ranking of it might be, I just can’t argue with it. I can totally see why someone might have my #4 at #1 or even #1 at #4. These movies are just so well done and gets everything it’s suppose to get right that ranking it alongside each other is quite tricky. If more franchises were as consistently good as John Wick is, we would have very little to complain about.

In case you couldn’t tell, I really enjoy every one of these movies. Just because I have one ranked lower than the others does NOT mean I dislike it. I just don’t like it as much as the other ones. Now that I’ve made that clear, let’s get to the rankings!

4.) John Wick: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is able to raise the bar with it’s action, set pieces, cinematography, lore, and world building. It does a very good job of expanding the universe that John Wick himself is a part off and showcases just why he is viewed as the most deadly assassin in the world. Not to mention, it ends on one absolute banger of a cliffhanger that always gets me anxious to watch Chapter 3 immedaitely afterwards.

What holds it back slightly from the other movies is that it can get a bit too bogged down in the action, set pieces, lore, and world building that it loses focus on the central conflict that John Wick himself is going through. There are also times in the middle where the pacing is too slow for my liking that it makes me just want to get to the next big action scene.

Still, if a movie this action-packed and filled with intrigue is your least good movie in your franchise, you know you’ve done something right. Let’s also not forget it has Lawrence Fishburne with one of the greatest line deliveries in cinema history, “SOMEBODY, PLEASE GET THIS MAN A GUN!”

3.) John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum

I’ll admit that I did feel a bit cold on my first viewing of this but the more I’ve watched it, the more I’ve come to love it. The first 45 minutes of Chapter 3-Parabellum is absolutely exhilarating as we see John Wick on the run in some of the most breathtaking action set pieces this series has ever delivered. We also get Halle Berry as Sofia in one of the best extended cameos in recent memory. We even get a climax with John fighting against absurd fanboys of his that is so action-heavy and over-the-top that I can’t help but love it.

The one element that for me and I imagine caught others off guard is that this isn’t necessarily the end all be all that the film teases throughout the entire picture. It wasn’t until we get to the ending with the whole “gotcha” twist where Winston betrays John Wick to save his own skin that it’s revealed that this is another chapter and not necessarily the final one. This is also when the franchise seemed to fully embraced his over-the-top-ness and commit to being a live-action video game where John Wick is basically a superhero. That’s not a negative for me mind you but I imagine it could be a turn-off for others.

Even with all of that being said, this still works as an entertaining action flick and a logical character progression from John Wick. Seeing John himself grow even more balls of steel by going from being on the run to running straight towards his enemies really helps evaluate the character even further. Also, I liked a spin-off with Halle Berry now please!

2.) John Wick

Before the sequels would go even bigger, bolder, lore-heavy, and dive into traditional world building, John Wick was largely a smaller-scale self contained story about a hitman coming out of retirement to avenge the death of his dog, the last piece of his late wife that remained. It may be a rather straightforward and simplistic motivation but that’s all that’s needed. Because what matters most is that we get to see Keanu Reeves kicking ass once again and become even more of a badass than he ever did in The Matrix films.

With this being the original John Wick, this would end up introducing the fun tropes that would become a staple to this franchise. With elements such as the glorified action, awesome stunts, superb lighting and cinematography, an excellent supporting cast full of recognizable talent that all get their moment to shine, and of course, the awesome Keanu Reeves delivering cheesy one-liners in a direct but cool way. Not to mention, the nightclub fight is still one of my favorite action scenes in any movie.

While some might take issues with the simplistic plotting /characterization along with needing to tolerate corny puns and having to suspend your disbelief, anyone else that is able to accept the tropes that have become common with action movies while also wanting something fresh and new should think John Wick is right up their alley. It’s one of those movies that is able to deliver exactly what you would ever want in an action movie and even more.

1.) John Wick: Chapter 4

John Wick: Chapter 4 is an exceptional achievement of not just the John Wick franchise but for the action genre in general. Not since The Raid movies has there been a series of action films that dares to go as big, bold, and as over-the-top as this film does. Working perfectly as John Wick himself getting pushed beyond his reasonable measures along with director Chad Stahelski and crew of pushing themselves to make the most unbelievable and badass film imaginable. Even if Chapter 4 does bring a logical stopping point to John Wick’s story, it leaves plenty of room of other characters in the series to have their stories to continue if anyone wants to go that route.

Yes, the action has never been better choregraphed and executed than it has been here. Yes, the cinematography and pure scope have never looked and felt better than it does here. Yes, just about every noteworthy person in the cast get a moment to shine and scenes that stand out so well you can’t wait until someone uploads them to YouTube. Yes, the near three-hour runtime does not feel daunting in any way. However, what is most impressive of all is how it is able to wrap up the four-movie arc of John Wick in a way that just feels complete and right.

I’m not one that likes to claim when a movie is “perfect” but when it comes to John Wick: Chapter 4 and is able to deliver the goods with an absolute bullet point, it’s hard to bring up any flaws that bring the experience down. Even the cracks in the armor one might bring up may possible not be seen as cracks in the armor to another person but more of a upgrade to that armor. Nevertheless, no matter where this series goes next, I’m willing to stick with it until the end of the line. Bring on the Ballerina and maybe a spin-off with Donnie Yen and Halle Berry as well!

RIP, Lance Reddick! You will be forever missed!

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