Ranking The Rocky/Creed Franchise

Creed III is now out in theaters. It’s quite astounding of how not only is the Rocky/Creed series still going, but that it’s still going strong. For a franchise that didn’t even need to be a franchise, it’s incredibly how strong and consistent they’ve been in quality. Despite this being a series that’s now up to nine movies, there’s only one or two that many would argue is actually bad with the rest ranging from pretty good to excellent. Just like I tend to do with most franchises whenever they get a new installment, it’s time to rank the Rocky/Creed franchise from worst to best.

9.) Rocky V

This is probably the only one that would qualified as bad but it does have interesting ideas of it’s own. Rocky V was meant to act as the finale of the franchise where he loses his money, trains a young stud who ultimately betrays him, and have one finale showdown…in an epic street fight. There’s always room to try new things in a series but when it’s intended to be the end of the story, then it’s best to just stick what worked before and not changes things up entirely. Not to mention, the way Rocky just chose to neglect his struggling son was just an absolute douche move. Thank goodness this didn’t actually end up being the end of the series because if it did, then it would have went out with an absolute whimper.

8.) Rocky IV

Easily the sloppiest and over-the-top movie in the series but it still kinda works. Rocky IV see Rocky meeting his match in the ring as the dreaded Ivan Drago made his way into the ring and killing his best friend, Apollo Creed in the process. That in of itself should make you think this is the darkest of the franchise but it’s anything but that. It’s silly and cartoon-like with top theatrics, constant montages, and even a high tech robot butler of all things. It’s still entertaining and the events transpiring here would have at least a solid pay off later on down the road but this is when you can tell the series was begin to fall victims of trying to go bigger and bolder.

7.) Rocky III

Possibly the biggest underdog story in a sea of movies about underdog story. Rocky III sees Rocky being stripped down from his prime and getting his ass beat in a way that he had never had before. However, like the old saying goes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. While that can’t be said for his poor trainer in Mickey, Rocky is able to use that testament to train himself to take down his biggest rival yet up to this point in Mr. T. This was the point where the formula for the series would be as obvious as Rocky getting obliterated in his first go against the big man but man is it still so fun, effective, emotional, and resonant all the same.

6.) Creed III

Creed III was always gonna have to face the inevitable uphill battle that the series would have to fight against to see whether or not it can keep going without the man that started it all in Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky Balboa. Thankfully, Michael B Jordan proves he is up to the task to carry the baton forward in a respectful manner that makes Adonis Creed a compelling enough character to continue the Rocky tradition. While the movie does undeniably stick to the formula and traditions that the series is known for, it’s still able to feel fresh, unique, and satisfying all the same. Jonathan Majors proves he is the next big actor to watch out for and there is still room to go if they want to continue the series from here. The only thing keeping it from the top five is perhaps with how distinct it feels compared to the other movies in the franchise and could have used a stronger final fight. Regardless, it still rocks all the same.

5.) Rocky II

For a sequel to a movie that didn’t really need a sequel, Rocky II is about as good as it could possibly get. Not only does it help Rocky achieve the unfinished business he clearly had with the original where he went the distance with the champ but still lost, but it’s able to successfully tell the next “what’s next” chapter of a known sports athlete’s life without it being repetitive or stale. It provides the right balance between showing the importance of Rocky’s personal life and his life in the ring, Apollo Creed is a worthy friend/foe to Rocky, and it’s able to all feel genuine instead of cynical. The fact this is only #5 in the series goes to show how impressive in quality the franchise is as a whole.

4.) Creed II

On paper, Creed II sounded like the silliest idea for the series yet. You have baby boy Creed going up against baby boy Drago and it has to tie up the loose ends and emotional resonate of Rocky IV, a film as absurd and silly as this series can get. However, it all works out. Not just because of how well made it is, the intense, nerve racking fight scenes, and being able to deliver satisfying pay offs to these nagging loose ends, but how well it’s able to humanize the cartoon of a villain that was Drago along with his son. This could have easily fell into the category of a movie being shameless fan service but Stephen Caple Jr. is able to add the right amount of weight and meaning to where it all feels correct. It all just goes to show that just because you make something for the fans doesn’t mean you have to dumb everything down to make something worthwhile.

3.) Rocky Balboa

Before Top Gun: Maverick played with the idea that the one guy who was the very best at his job and still be the best if he pushed himself to do so, there was Rocky Balboa, which saw Sylvester Stallone returning to the Rocky series nearly two decades later to prove his worth once again. Sometimes it’s okay to let the man in the past be the same man for the future if he can still do the thing he’s best at. The Rocky movies at there core as always been about legacy and this was the first one in the series that seemed to put a great emphasis on it. Even if the set-up to the final confrontation is rather forced, this still makes for one of the most grounded and inspirational films in the Rocky canon.

2.) Creed

About a month before the age of legacy sequels kicked into full gear with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there was Creed, which Ryan Coogler actually dared to take the Rocky franchise in a new direction by putting direct focus on the son of his old friend while Stallone himself acts as a secondary character. Easily one of the best movies to come out in 2015, this soft reboot is able to get everything right. It has the right amount of drama, right amount of emotion, right amount of fight scenes, right amount of legacy, right amount of inspiration, right amount focus on the villain, and just right amount of everything. Michael B Jordan is sensational as Adonis “Donnie” Creed and even Sylvester Stallone works just as well being a mentor figure as he was as the main boxer. In the era of legacy sequels, I still find this one to be the very best of the lot.

1.) Rocky

However, nothing has quite top the original Rocky. What can be said about this movie that hasn’t been said already? It’s basically perfect. What makes this traditional underdog story work so well is that it was written by Rocky himself in Sylvester Stallone, making it just as much an underdog story from behind the camera as it is in front of it. At it’s heart, this is not simply a movie about boxing, it’s a story about a man needing something to prove. And the fact that we are now movies in with this franchise, it was able to do all of that and more. Perfectly paced, acted, and written, Rocky is one of the definite motion pictures and one of the best crowd-pleasing films ever made.

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