About Twitter’s “Future”

In case anyone is unaware, it was revealed yesterday that a good portion of Twitter workers have resigned from their jobs after refusing to meet Musk’s deadline to agree on working with him on what he is calling “Twitter 2.0”. That has left to many questioning the website’s future and most assuming that it’s about as good as dead. As a response to this, Twitter alerted their (remaining) employees that all office buildings had been closed and badge access was suspended, the former which will remain close until November 21st. Until then, who knows what is in store for Twitter and it’s supposed and possibly non-existent “future”?

Here’s the report and mini thread from Zoe Schiffer herself that broke the news on Twitter last night about this stunning development.

So, yeah. A whole weekend without employees having access to Twitter definitely leaves the website feeling more vulnerable than it has been for quite some time. And with Twitter losing a good portion of their employees, who knows how long this site actually has until the unthinkable happens? Heck, there was even some from inside Twitter itself that it could have happened as good as last night or from a week for now.

Well, for what I know at the moment, it didn’t go away last night because the site was still running when I got up this morning, almost like nothing ever happened. As for it being dead by the end of the week, I think that also might be a bit of a hyperbolic. As much as everyone has well within their rights to worry about the future of Twitter after Musk bought it and how much fun it is for shitposters trying to meme their way through this dire situation as the supposed Titanic begins to crash, I truly don’t think Twitter is going to be gone forever at any potential given moment.

I’m not just saying this because I don’t want to look like a complete idiot after claiming that Elon Musk owning Twitter won’t officially kill the site back in April when it was reported that he was interested in purchasing it. However, I do think it would be a bit premature to make claims about the website being completely dead. Could it be buggy as hell for the upcoming weekend? Yes! Could it shut down for a little while until Twitter offices reopen and more fresh blood get hired? Yes! But, dead forever?! I really don’t think so!

As much as I hate Musk and him buying Twitter, I highly doubt he would have simply washed 44 billion dollars down the drain just like that. He clearly had a vision of his own on how Twitter should be operated. He had to know there would be a good portion of folks who would not be on board with his vision and that he would have to hire new faces effective immediately. If that many people can quit Twitter just like that, then I’m fairly certain you can hire that many people in the same sort of time span. Regardless of one thinks about Musk and him being the CEO of Twitter, there are certainly hundreds of thousands of individuals out there that would kill to work for a big website like Twitter and would take a job for it ASAP.

I know I’ve stated it in the past but this whole shitshow reminds me of when YouTube changed the comment section and forced it’s users to sign up for a Google Pus account. This was a massive change for the site and it let to a complete and utter mess of a comment section and new YouTube format that some believe would kill the site. Yet, here it is nearly a full decade later still alive and well. I expect Twitter to go through a similar phase. Changers will come that will annoy the hell out of all of us but after a while, we’ll all get used to it and accept it and wonder why we made a big deal of it whatsoever. That just life on social media in a nutshell.

The biggest possible outcome I see from this scenario is that the site will likely remain buggy and possibly be unresponsive for this weekend. However, once offices reopened, new faces are hired, and Musk finds a new CEO, which he is reportedly looking for at the moment, I believe things will run more smoothly with Twitter. Changes might be coming which will lead into that supposed “Twitter 2.0” that Musk or whoever will envision but after that, I believe the site will carrying on like normal.

Do I know for a fact that anything like this will happen in the upcoming future? Absolutely not! But if I think for a split second without getting caught in immediate reactions to the news of Twitter losing a good amount of employment, I can see this issue being resolved effective immediately or at least at some point in the future. Twitter is too big of a platform to completely collapse overnight and I definitely think this is a matter that can be overcome so that the site won’t be gone for good anytime soon.

However, just in case the unthinkable does indeed happens, here are other social media platforms where you can follow me at:

  • YouTube: Poisonousmaple7

  • Discord: Digboy72#8865

  • Google Gmail/Chat: halostar58@gmail.com

I will remain on Twitter and carrying on as usual until I either no longer have access to it or the site just “dies”. Until then, be on the lookout for more articles for me in the coming weeks as I do have quite a bit of content planned for the rest of the month and year.

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