The Bad Guys Always Win In Sports

Sports is a game of failure. No matter how many games you win, there will be plenty that you will lose. Even when you are able to climb up the top of the mountain and win it all, there will follow numerous of attempts before and after where you fall down from that mountain brutally. And to be sure, you will fall plenty. But why is it we fall, you may ask? *in Michael Caine’s voice* So, we can learn to pick ourselves up.

It’s that simple note of advice that makes victory taste even greater when you are to finally accomplish it. While losing in sports tends to sting, what stings even more is watching your arch-nemesis and a person/team you loathe being able to achieve great success when they don’t deserve it. In this case, I’m talking about Stan Kroenke.

The Colorado Avalanche just won this year’s Stanley Cup. It’s their first cup since 2001 and their third overall in franchise history. They took the Tampa Bay Lightning to six games and prevented them from winning their third consecutive cup and Pat Maroon winning his fourth straight. However, this is not the only championship that a team owned by Stan Kroenke himself won. His own Los Angeles Rams won the Super Bowl just over four months ago when they defeated the Cincinnati Bengals. That in of itself is quite an accomplishment for a sports owner to win two major sports titles in the same year. If only it was awarded to a good sports owner or even just a good human being.

I’m going to be real here. There is not a single person I hate more in sports than Stan Kroenke! I’m not just speaking as a St. Louisan who watched Kroenke crashed and wreck the Rams so he could convince the NFL to move them to LA to light up his pockets! I’m speaking as someone that is a fan of sports that Kroenke is everything that is wrong with sports ownership today! Not just because he’s someone that couldn’t care less about his teams winning, but that he is actually winning despite not caring at all. He’s selfish, greedy, manipulative, only cares about himself, and is an absolute f*cking liar! He was able to convince the NFL to move the Rams from St. Louis to Los Angeles based on a lie! A move that was swindling, shameless, and 100% not legal!

It’s not only my experience of the awful job he did with owning the Rams when they were in St. Louis but how terrible of a job has done with other teams and how much of those fanbases don’t seem to care much for him either.

Fans of Colorado sports teams such as Avalanche and the Nuggets were only able to watch their teams on Direct TV because Comcast and Dish Networks were at odds with Kroenke-owned altitude tv. You think he cares about that? Nope!

Aresnal fans help ranked Kroenke as one of the top bottom five worst owners in the Premier League! You think he cares about that? Nope!

And do I need to even mention the massive backlash Kroenke received over the whole European Super League controversy where all of Aresnal practically came together to let the sick man know how much everyone hates his guts there! You think he cares? Nope!

And these are only a handful of examples of what this disaster of a sports owner he is!

Despite all of this, Kroenke has won multiples times! In the four major sports, he’s won two Super Bowls and three Stanley Cups. If you include other sports, he also has an MLS cup with Rapids and two National Lacrosse League championships with the Mammoth. Despite proving time and time again that he could care less about winning or the fanbases of the teams that he has own, he is still winning! Despite having his teams go through awful and dour years where they have had to build from scratch, he is still winning! Despite committing acts as a owner that are flat out illegal, he is still winning! Despite being the last owner in the world who deserve any sort of championship success or any kind of trophy case, he is still winning!

This is true, cruel reality that we live in that a madman like Stan Kroenke can have as much success as he does. This is not like a movie where the hero will always find a way to be the villain. Even if that villain is able to achieve victory, the hero will always be the one to have the last laugh in the end. The villain might win the battle but we all know by the end of the movie that the hero will win the war. The same thing that can’t be said with what goes on in the real world. In the real world, especially in sports, it’s always the scum and villainy that gets the last laugh and ends up winning the battle and the war at the same time! Whether it’s waving a dollar sign at the problem or having their own personal advantages, the bad guys will always win! And I’ve had to watch the bad guy win gold twice in the same year! I can’t tell you how much that hurt me and plenty others on the inside. Just dreadful!

Links to other articles about this infamous man whose points I referenced in this post:

Other comments:

  • As much as I hate the Avalanche, the LA Rams were a really fun team last year that I would have rooted if they had been own by any other owner in football and I’m dead serious!

  • Can’t tell you how much it hurt for me to look up pictures of Kroenke lifting up a trophy of some sorts! It would be like the Avengers having to publish a photo of Thanos sitting proudly into the sunset after doing his one deed.

  • I was way more quiet about this on Twitter than I should have been but as much as I think Nazem Kadri is a dirty player who I hate to see winning a cup, death threats and racism are INCREDIBLY wrong! Every single person who send Kadri a racist comment or a threat of any sort deserves cruel punishment for it! That is just not acceptable in any way!

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