This has got to stop!

When I decide to re-start my blog, I promised myself I wouldn’t make any pieces involving current events or politics. My intention was to write about whatever goes on in my mind about subjects mostly involving entertainment and sports since there was plenty of controversial discourse surrounding with what’s going on in the world now. However, there are limits. There comes a breaking point when something terribly tragic happens that you just can’t ignore it any longer. It’s not just that one event but others events that have come before it and will certainly come after it. Something that saddens you, frightens you, angers you, and sends you into a parallel dimension of rage that you never imagine was possible!. It’s disastrous and heartbreaking that it will make you afraid to leave your own house. In this case, I have to talk about the Texas school shooting that went on today, May 24, 2022.

For context, there was a mass shooting that went on today at an elementary school in Uvaled, Texas. As the time of this post, a total of 21 people have died from this horrific event. 19 children and two adults! It’s the deadliest school shooting that has took place in America since the awful massacre at Sandy Hook nearly a decade ago. The gunman had been described as an 18-year old who attended a high school nearby and also died from the instant. At least one teacher was killed as a result and plenty other students were wounded and eventually died. Many people are scared, heartbroken, and are rightfully pissed off at the world! As am I!

According to NPR, there has been a total of 27 (!) school shootings that have took place in 2022! That is beyond terrifying and has to be address IMMEDIATELY by the US! Regardless of what they believe the real problem is and why they think it keeps happening, an action of some sort has to be made RIGHT NOW! Continuing to let a terrible matter like this go unaddressed will lead to even more school shootings happening now until God knows when! Take away weapons, limit gun control, address the mentally ill individuals that are somehow able to have access to such heavy weaponry, have school contain more police security! Just do something! Do anything that can make the kids and teachers feel comfortable in their own school and NOT makes parents afraid of sending their own children away from home!

That’s what makes me these horrific events even more terrifying is that it’s happening at schools. The one place that students, parents, and faculties should feel 100% safe in. It should be a nice, harmless place for young people to learn about life and education and teachers should feel safe teaching kids these exact things. I have no clue how a sick and twisted maniac has the heart and will to slaughter young, innocent children in the blink of an eye but that’s unfortunately the real, atrocious world that we are living in today! A world where a state government is more concerned about banning books that feature LGBTQ+ representation than saving the lives of actual children!

The face we now have talks about teachers having guns of their own shows once again how those in the government would rather point their finger at anything that is not the actual problem. How is a teacher having a gun store somewhere in the same room that actual children are in is suppose to make everyone feel safer at school? Children should be NO WHERE NEAR a real gun of some sort and the face there are folks out there that are pushing for teachers to be armed makes me worry about the bleak future that America is heading in! It just makes me even more terrified!

This all makes matters worse to me since recently, I’ve had an interest of becoming a teacher of English. Events like these now makes me dread of becoming one because of terrible circumstances such as that. The fact that there are this many school shootings and can take place at anytime and anywhere makes me afraid of wanting to follow in those footsteps since myself and many children can be slaughtered and there isn’t much the government is willing to do about it. Well, I can’t take it anymore!

There is clear a big flaw here and it’s time America does it’s f*cking job and do something about it that doesn’t result in giving teachers guns! If it’s a gun problem, then take away guns or limit weapon usage! If it’s a mentally ill problem, then lock up these people in a hospital or behind bars! If there needs to be more protection from the police, then provide more protection! However, it’s time to stop doing nothing and just pretend everything is all right when it’s not or trying to fight fire with fire!

It’s time for all of this to f*cking stop!


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